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CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT <br />It is specifically agreed by and between the parties hereto <br />that this franchise shall be considered a franchise agreement between <br />the Utility and the County and as such a contractural instrument <br />recognized under the Statutes and Laws of the State of Florida. This <br />franchise agreement is not intended to create rights or actions <br />running in favor of third parties, except as herein specifically <br />provided. <br />SECTION XXV <br />EXECUTION OF FRANCHISE <br />If any words, sections, clause or part of this resolution <br />are held invalid, such portions shall be deemed a separate and <br />independent part and the same shall not invalidate the remainder. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Board of County Commissioners of Indian <br />River County, Florida has caused this franchise to be executed in <br />the name of Indian River County by the Chairman of the Board of <br />County Commissioners and its seal to be affixed and attested by its <br />Clerk, all pursuant to the resolution of the Board of the County <br />Commissioners adopted on the 6th day Of August , 1986. <br />Signed, sealed and delivered COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER, FLORIDA <br />in the presence of: <br />ApprovedEtoformand legalByChanes County A <br />-14- <br />By <br />Don C. Scurlock Chairma <br />Board of County Commissioners <br />Attest: <br />Clerk <br />ArPPROVED T4NC' <br />11 Y MAT `ERS <br />BY TE PIN `0 <br />DIREC1'oR <br />DIV. OF UTILITY SERVICE'S <br />