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Last modified
5/23/2023 2:22:39 PM
Creation date
5/23/2023 2:22:22 PM
Resolution Number
Approved Date
Franchise Agreement between IRC & Consolidated Vista Development Corporation;
known as the "Coralstone Club Utility Co. Wastewater System Franchise"
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service to such demanding person. In the event the Utility fails to <br />provide its services and facilities as an wastewater system to any <br />area within the franchise territory within the time specified by the <br />Board, then in such an event, the County may, by resolution of the <br />Board, limit, restrict and confine the territory to that area then <br />being serviced by the wastewater system by the Utility or such <br />greater area as the Board shall determine; thereafter, the territory <br />shall be only the area set forth in the resolution adopted by the <br />Board. <br />2. The Utility shall not be required to furnish, supply, <br />install and make available its public wastewater system <br />to any person within the franchise area unless the same may be done at <br />such a cost to the Utility as shall make the addition proposed <br />financially feasible. Financially feasible shall mean that a fair and <br />reasonable rate of return shall be realized by the Utility for all its <br />services under this franchise; that such a rate of return on its <br />rate base under efficient and economical management. The burden of <br />showing that prospective service to the area is not financially <br />feasible shall be the burden of the Utility. Such proof shall be <br />made by the Utility within 30 days from receipt of a written request <br />by the County. <br />• <br />TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP <br />1. The Utility or its shareholders shall not sell or <br />transfer its plants or systems or transfer corporate ownership to <br />another nor transfer any rights under this franchise to another <br />without the approval of the Board. No such sale or transfer after <br />such approval shall be effective until the vendee, assignee or lessee <br />has filed with the Board an instrument in writing reciting the fact of <br />such transfer and accepting the terms of this franchise and agreeing <br />to perform all of the conditions thereof. In any event, this <br />franchise shall not be transferable and assignable until notice or <br />request for transfer and assignment shall be given by the Utility to <br />the Board in writing accompanied by a request from the proposed <br />transferee, which application shall contain information concerning the <br />financial status and other qualifications of the proposed transferee <br />and such other information as the Board shall require. <br />2. A public hearing may be held on such bequest, of which <br />notice shall be given by publication in a newspaper regularly <br />published in the County at least one time not more than one month or <br />less than one week preceding such hearing. Certified proof of <br />publication of such notice shall be filed with the Board. <br />3. The Board shall act within ninety (90) days upon such <br />request. The consent by the Board to any assignment of this franchise <br />shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any sale or transfer by the <br />-7- <br />
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