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Last modified
5/23/2023 2:22:39 PM
Creation date
5/23/2023 2:22:22 PM
Resolution Number
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Franchise Agreement between IRC & Consolidated Vista Development Corporation;
known as the "Coralstone Club Utility Co. Wastewater System Franchise"
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always be responsible for justifying its proposed rates and charges by <br />the submission of accounting and engineering data to the County <br />Utilities Director. Rates and charges may be amended after public <br />hearing, upon proper justification by the Utility. Other provisions <br />of this Ordinance deal with the mechanisms of the setting of rates <br />and charges. <br />2. The Utility shall at any time, when requested by a <br />consumer, make a test of the accuracy of any meter; however before, <br />any test is made by the Utility, the required fee shall be deposited <br />with the Utility by the party requesting such a test. Such sum <br />shall be returned if the test shows the meter to be inaccurate in <br />its delivery. If the meter is inaccurate, the meter will be <br />repaired or changed, and should the meter reading calibrate too <br />high, a billing adjustment will be made for no more than the past <br />six month's actual readings. Whenever it is necessary to shut off <br />or interrupt service for the purpose of making repairs or <br />installations, the Utility shall do so at such times as will cause <br />the least amount of inconvenience to its consumers and, unless such <br />repairs are unforeseen and immediately necessary, it shall give not <br />less than five (5) days' notice thereof to its consumers for <br />non -emergencies. <br />3. (a) The approved rates of any utility which already <br />receives all or any portion of its utility service from a <br />governmental agency or from a water or sewer utility regulated by <br />the Board and which redistributes that service to its utility <br />customers shall be automatically increased or decreased without <br />hearing upon verified notice to the Board 30 days prior to its <br />implementation of the increase or decrease that the rates charged by <br />the governmental agency or other utility have changed. The approved <br />rates of any utility which is subject to an increase or decrease in <br />the rates that it is charged for electric power or the amount of ad <br />valorem taxes assessed against its property shall be increased or <br />decreased by the utility, without action by the Board, upon verified <br />notice to the Board 30 days prior to its implementation of the <br />increase or decrease that the rates charged by the supplier of the <br />electric power or the taxes imposed by the governmental body have <br />changed. The new rates authorized shall reflect the amount of the <br />ad valorem taxes or rates imposed upon the utility by the <br />governmental agency, other utility or supplier of electric power. <br />Provisions of this subsection shall not prevent a utility from <br />seeking changes in rates pursuant to the provisions of Section XX. <br />(b) Before implementing a change in rates under this <br />subsection, the utility shall file an affirmation under oath as to the <br />accuracy of the figures and calculations upon which the change in <br />rates is based, and that the change will not cause the utility to <br />exceed the range of its last authorized rate of return. <br />(c) If, within 24 months of an adjustment in the rates as <br />-9- <br />
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