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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final March 7, 2023 <br />(IRLEP) specifically on conservation lands. Consequently, County staff had <br />identified a SORCA impoundment was no longer part of the Rotational <br />Impoundment Management (RIM) process, and that removal of this perimeter <br />dike would restore a natural connection to the IRL. This re -connection would <br />allow for the open exchange of waters, which would benefit wildlife habitats, <br />specifically fisheries. The re -connection also increases the resiliency of the system <br />by reducing the potential for long-term flooding. Ms. Swindell reported that <br />current funding was $100,000 from the Federal Department of Environmental <br />Protection (FDEP) and $50,000 from SJRWMD, and additional grant funding <br />could be pursued toward the construction of the project. <br />Chairman Earman thanked staff for their hard work and agreed that when the <br />water cannot move back and forth naturally, it debilitates the resources. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Loar, seconded by Commissioner <br />Flescher, to approve staff's recommendation. The motion carried by the <br />following vote: <br />Aye: 5 - Chairman Earman, Vice Chairman Adams, Commissioner Flescher, <br />Commissioner Loar, and Commissioner Moss <br />12.C.2. 23-0202 Indian River County Environmental Bond - Review Committee Selection Process <br />Recommended Action: Staff respectfully recommends that the Board provide a timeline for providing the <br />five (5) designated district appointees to the ELAP to the County Attorney's <br />office. Additionally, it is recommended that the Board initiate the application <br />process for selection of the (4) "at large" positions on the ELAP. Staff will <br />assemble the list of applications and present the list at a future BOCC meeting for <br />consideration. Staff respectfully requests that the BOCC provide direction on the <br />time frame for approval of the ELAP members. <br />Attachments: Staff Report <br />Conservation Lands Manager Wendy Swindell referred to Resolution 2022-016 <br />which called for a Board Referendum Election for the issuance of general <br />obligation bonds. Ms. Swindell stated in March 2022, the Referendum was put <br />on the November 2022 ballot and passed providing $50 million in environmental <br />bond monies towards the purchase of environmentally sensitive lands. <br />Staff was directed to update the Environmental Lands Program (ELP) Guide. <br />She stated the draft ELP Guide proposed the formation of an Environmental <br />Lands Acquisition Panel (ELAP), which would be comprised of five (5) members: <br />One (1) from each of the Commissioner's districts and four (4) at large positions <br />with specific expertise that would aid in reviewing environmentally sensitive lands. <br />Indian River County Florida Page 14 <br />