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7/6/2023 12:07:16 PM
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7/6/2023 12:06:41 PM
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Contract IRC and Barth ConstructionInc./Agricultural Arena/Exhibit Bg. Prof. Architectural /
Engineering/Const. Svcs.
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ti <br />C. Construction budgets shall be prepared by qualified professionals, cost estimators or <br />contractors retained by and acting in the interest of the DESIGNIBUILDER. <br />D. If the DESIGNIBUILDER believes or is advised by the Architect or by other design <br />professionals retained to provide services on the Project that implementation of any <br />instruction received from the COUNTY would cause a violation of any applicable law, the <br />DESIGN/BUILDER shall notify the COUNTY in writing. Neither the DESIGNBUILDER <br />nor the architect shall be obligated to perform any act which either believes will violate any <br />applicable law. <br />SECTION Ili - COUNTY OBLIGATIONS <br />The COUNTY agrees to provide the following material, data, or services as required in <br />connection with the work to be performed under this Agreement: <br />A. Provide the DESIGNIBUILDER with a copy of any preliminary data or reports <br />available. <br />B. Provide the DESIGN/BUILDER with all available drawings, and other documents <br />in the possession of the COUNTY pertinent to the project. <br />C. The COUNTY shall be responsible for acquiring all right-of-ways, easements and <br />other rights in land as necessary to complete the project. <br />D. The COUNTY shall he responsible for obtaining those permits required to perform <br />the work to complete the project only if such permit requirements are established by <br />regulatory agencies after the date of this Agreement. <br />E. The COUNTY shall make provisions for the DESIGNIBUILDER to enter upon <br />public or private property as required for the DESIGNBUILDER to perform his <br />services. <br />F. The COUNTY will promptly execute all permit applications prepared by the <br />DESIGNBUILDER necessary to expedite the acquisition of any local, state or <br />federal permits made necessary by the project. <br />G. The COUNTY will provide survey and topo drawings, where necessary. <br />H. The COUNTY designates .lames W. Davis, P.E., Public Works Director, as Project <br />Manager for the Project or his designee. <br />SECTION IV - SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />The DESIGNBUILDER agrees to perform professional services in connection with the <br />project as required and as set forth in the following: <br />A. General <br />I . The DESIGN/BUILDER will endeavor not to duplicate any previous work <br />done on the project. After written authorization to proceed, the DESIGNIBUILDER shall consul+ <br />with the COUNTY staff to clarify and define the COUNTY'S requirements for the project and <br />review all available data after which a meeting with the Project Citizen (Firefighter's) Committee <br />will be held and attended by the DESIGN/BUILDER and County staff. <br />2. The DESIGNIBUILDER will attend conferences with the COUNTY and its <br />representatives upon the request of COUNTY. <br />3. In order to accomplish the work described under this Agreement in the tinie <br />frames and under the conditions set forth in this Agreement, the DESIGNIBUILDER will observe <br />the following requirements: <br />a. The DESIGN/BUILDER will complete his work on the project within <br />the time allowed by maintaining an adequate staff of registered Architects, Engineers, draftsmen, <br />2 <br />
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