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Florida Institute of Technology
Agreement /IRC & FIT, Melbourne. Calibration & Application of a Three
Dimensional Numerical Model for PEP Reef Project
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The EFDC code is capable of simulating the transport and fate of multiple size classes of <br />cohesive and noncohesive suspended sediment including bed deposition and <br />resuspension. Water column transport is based the same high order advection -diffusion <br />scheme used for salinity and temperature. A number of options are included for the <br />specification of settling velocities. For the transport of multiple size classes of cohesive <br />sediment, an optional flocculation model (Burban, et al., 1989&1990) can be activated. <br />Sediment mass conservative deposited bed formulations are included for both cohesive <br />and noncohesive sediment. The deposited bed may be represented by a single layer or <br />multiple layers. The multiple bed layer option provides a time since deposition versus <br />vertical position in the bed relationship to be established. Water column -sediment bed <br />interface elevation changes can be optionally incorporated into the hydrodynamic <br />continuity equation. An optional, one dimensional in the vertical, bed consolidation <br />calculation can be performed for cohesive beds. <br />step as the external, is implicit with respect to vertical diffusion. The internal solution of <br />the momentum equations is in terms of the vertical profile of' shear stress and velocity <br />® <br />shear, which results in the simplest and most accurate form of the baroclinic pressure <br />gradients and eliminates the over determined character of alternate internal mode <br />formulations. Time splitting inherent in the three time level scheme is controlled by <br />periodic insertion of a second order accurate two time level trapezoidal step. The EFDC <br />A <br />model is also readily configured as a two-dimensional model in either the horizontal or <br />vertical planes. The EFDC model implements a second order accuracy in space and time, <br />mass conservation fractional step solution scheme for the Eulerian transport equations for <br />salinity, te-nperature, suspended sediment, water quality constituents and toxic <br />comtaninants. The transport equations are temporally integrated at the same time step or <br />twice the time step of the momentum equation solution (Smolarkiewicz and Margolin, <br />1993). The advective step of the transport solution uses either the central difference <br />scheme used in the POM or a hierarchy of positive definite upwind difference schemes. <br />The highest accuracy upwind scheme, second order accurate in space and time, is based <br />on a flux corrected transport version Smolarkiewicz's multidimensional positive definite <br />advection transport algorithm (Smolarkiewicz & Clark, 1986, Smolarkiewicz & <br />Grabowski, 1990) which is monotonic and minimizes numerical diffusion. The <br />horizontal diffusion step, if required, is explicit in time, while the vertical diffusion step <br />is implicit. Horizontal boundary conditions include time variable material inflow <br />concentrations, upwinded outflow, and a damping relaxation specification of <br />climatological boundary concentration. For the temperature transport equation, the <br />NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory's atmospheric heat exchange model <br />(Rosati & Miyakoda, 1988) is implemented. <br />A.3 Cohesive Sediment Transport <br />The EFDC code is capable of simulating the transport and fate of multiple size classes of <br />cohesive and noncohesive suspended sediment including bed deposition and <br />resuspension. Water column transport is based the same high order advection -diffusion <br />scheme used for salinity and temperature. A number of options are included for the <br />specification of settling velocities. For the transport of multiple size classes of cohesive <br />sediment, an optional flocculation model (Burban, et al., 1989&1990) can be activated. <br />Sediment mass conservative deposited bed formulations are included for both cohesive <br />and noncohesive sediment. The deposited bed may be represented by a single layer or <br />multiple layers. The multiple bed layer option provides a time since deposition versus <br />vertical position in the bed relationship to be established. Water column -sediment bed <br />interface elevation changes can be optionally incorporated into the hydrodynamic <br />continuity equation. An optional, one dimensional in the vertical, bed consolidation <br />calculation can be performed for cohesive beds. <br />
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