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i <br />• <br />DocuMed Systems International Inc. <br />DocuMed Systems International Inc. will provide technical support for the current Indian River EMS <br />reporting system as well as ongoing development to address needs as they arise. Service to begin <br />March 1, 1999 and end February 29, 2000. <br />SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED: <br />Technical support: <br />Technical support for 11 units to be available 9 am to 5 pm on all normal workdays. Response time <br />will be under I hour at least 80% of the time. Response will not exceed 4 hours more than 15% of <br />the time. (Time allow some leeway if we are in meetings with other customers). Since our <br />representative may be out of the office there may be cases where pages are not received because of <br />"dead" areas. We do not expect this to happen more than 5% of the time. But our guarantee of <br />service does recognize this as a possibility. <br />We intend to respond to you as quickly as possible during off hours. In other words we encourage <br />you to call at any time you have a problem, because we would rather address your needs immediately. <br />A request for service is to be made through our office number or if no answer at the office through <br />page. <br />Upgrades to system: <br />Modification or additions to both the field and administrative programs will also be made. Such <br />modifications may involve new software. In this event source code for this software will be provided <br />to the user for all official releases (alpha a beta versions excluded). The source code is not to be <br />examined, disassembled, or used on more than I 1 field machines or on non agency machines without <br />the permission of DocuMed Systems International Inc. if DocuMed Systems International Inc. is sold <br />without the buyer meeting these obligations, or ceases to exist or fails to meet its maintenance <br />standards, the user becomes the owner with full rights to use and modify the code. <br />2918 Old Orchard Road lacksonvilie, Florida 32257 (904) 739-3450 <br />