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7/25/2023 11:44:20 AM
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7/25/2023 11:43:31 AM
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Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources
Small matching Grant for the Gifford Parks “Tour Through Time” and for Providing an Effective Date
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B. Project Information Page 2 of 9 <br />1. Project Type * <br />Select the project type for which grant funds are requested. If you are unsure of which type to select, please refer to the definition <br />beneath each project type. If the incorrect project type is selected for the proposed scope of work, the application will be declared <br />ineligible. Projects involving Development activities must apply for Special Category grant funding. <br />OSurvey Project <br />Projects which identify, document and evaluate historic or archaeological resources individually or within historic or archaeological <br />districts or areas being investigated for the potential of becoming historic districts or zones, or updating previous surveys. <br />OPlanning Project <br />Planning projects necessary to guide the long term preservation of historic resources or a historic district, including preparation of <br />historic structures reports, condition assessments, architectural drawings and construction documents, predictive modeling, <br />preparation of preservation or management plans, and design or preservation guidelines. Planning activities on historic Religious <br />Properties shall be limited to building exterior envelope and structural elements of the building, excluding accessibility upgrades. <br />QNational Register Nominations Project <br />Projects that prepare a nomination to the National Register of Historic Places for an individual Historic Property or a nomination for a <br />historic or archaeological district or a thematic or multiple resource group nomination. The resource(s) or proposed district must have <br />been determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places by the Division prior to applying for the grant. Preparation of <br />National Historic Landmark designation nominations shall not be allowable for Small Matching grant funding. <br />@)Heritage Education Project <br />Projects aimed at increasing public understanding and awareness of the history of Florida and the importance of its historical and <br />archaeological resources and their preservation, either in general or for specific sites, properties or collections. This may include <br />proposals such as walking tours brochures, education material for school children, interpretive signage, videos illustrating historic <br />preservation principles, small educational exhibits, preservation of historical records through digitization and educational apps <br />related to the history of Florida and/or its historical and archaeological resources. Exhibits must not be permanently affixed to the <br />building. <br />@)Historical Marker Project <br />Projects which assist with the acquisition of state markers for which texts (monolingual or bilingual) have been approved by the State <br />Historical Marker Council prior to applying for the grant. <br />2. Project Title and Location Information <br />The title should reflect the name of the property, site, area and/or the goals of the proposed project. The title should be consistent with <br />previous applications/awards. (For example, Pensacola Maritime Heritage Trail, Archaeological Survey of Deering Estate, etc.) <br />2.1. Project Title * <br />A Tour Through Time - The Gifford Community <br />2.2. Name of Property (If applicable) <br />Various Locations in Gifford - MLK Park as Hub <br />2.3. Street Address (primary location where the proposed project will be carried out) <br />2880 45th Street <br />2.4. City (location of the proposed project) <br />Vero Beach <br />2.5. Primary County (location of the proposed project) Indian River <br />3. Physical Context of Resource (Maximum characters 500)* <br />
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