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i <br />i <br />Year 2000 Upgrade JkWARY27,1999 <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />will be distributed to all FX subscribers in mid 1999. The PRS EDACS FX Agreement <br />provides that software updates for your PRS EDACS products will be provided. PRS has <br />included in the Proposal the cost to return to your site and install Year 2000 heady PRS <br />software. <br />Year 2000 Readiness of all the PRS Manufactured Products in your system cannot <br />provide assurance that your system will be Year 2000 Ready when it contains Vendor <br />Products and Excluded Products that are not Year 2000 Ready, including, but not limited <br />to, chose listed in Categories 2, 4 and 5. In addition, replacement of one system <br />component may cause interface and other integration problems with other components, <br />even if they are Year 2000 Ready by themselves. (For example, upgraded software may <br />require greater capacity hardware), PRS will be responsible to interface and integrate <br />PRS Manufactured Products (Category 1) with Non -Current PRS Manufactured Products <br />(Category 3). You will be responsible to interface and integrate PRS Manufactured <br />Products with all other Vendor Products and Excluded Products (Categories 2, 4 and 5), <br />except as specifically noted. <br />Training <br />Training on the Buyer's new updated F DACS system is optionally available. <br />Please contact the PRS Training Manager at (804) 592-7713 to provide a <br />specific quotation. PRS has available the following type of on site training: <br />• EDACS C3 MAESTRO NT Operator Console Training <br />PRS recommends training on the new C3 Maestro NT dispatch console for <br />dispatchers and their supervisors. Training will facilitate the transfer or <br />knowledge and skills from operating the existing console to the Windows- <br />based C3 Maestro NT 4.0 console. The customer's operMiOnal consalcs <br />will be utilircd during this training which will be conducted in small <br />groups with no more than twwo people on an operating console to maximize <br />,lie errectivcncss of the hands-on portion of the training. Each training <br />session is two -to -four hours in length.. <br />ERICSSO fPage 13 Company Proprielan, a Confidential <br />thls tiurument ['onwo, Information that ['4awilnlrs a fear 20011 Hradinrss Iliuli++irr + +1r mvii In the vrar 20e0 <br />InrintiAliun amt Rradknrks p6010snrr %d ntrhlohrr 1'y`r4 <br />