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•0 <br />40 <br />00 <br />0 <br />0) <br />X <br />�l <br />GUARDIAN <br />MODIFICATION TO DENTAL INSURANCE PROPOSAL OF THE GUARDIAN <br />The purpose of this modification is to clarify and modify certain submissions by <br />Guardian in their response to Request For Proposal by Indian River County for dental <br />insurance. Indian River County's Request For Proposal for dental insurance in Part B, <br />Paragraph 1.16 stated that the proposal submitted, if approved by the Board of County <br />Commissioners and the documents identified in the bid package would be the contract. <br />Section 3.1 of Part B stated that any modifications to the proposal must be in writing, <br />signed by the parties. This agreement is intended to modify the response to the Request <br />For Proposal submitted by the Guardian for dental insurance for Indian River County <br />employees. <br />1. It is a condition of this contract that Guardian shall be under no obligation to proceed <br />unless thirty-five percent (35%) of the employees if Indian River County enroll in the <br />dental insurance program prior to June 1, 1999. <br />2. Employees of the constitutional officers of Indian River County may piggyback the <br />dental insurance program of the Board of County Commissioners if the office of each <br />constitutional officer, standing alone, has an enrollment of thirty-five percent (35%) <br />of each constitutional officer's employees. <br />s 3. While employees will not be compelled to attend an enrollment meeting, each <br />employee must execute either an enrollment form or a waiver form. <br />4. The Guardian response proposed seven (7) different alternative pans A -G. The <br />selected plan coverage is for Plans D and G as set out in the response to the proposal, <br />hereinafter renamed plans A and B, respectively. <br />5. Enrollment period to be scheduled from March 24, 1999 through April 30, 1999. <br />Subsequent annual enrollments shall begin in August, 1999 and each following <br />August the plan continues in force. <br />6. Plan coverage and employee monthly premiums for Plan A and Plan B shall be as set <br />out below: <br />