r1 t:, .�'a
<br />W �!
<br />PARTIES: - _ Abraham Haxkott, Jr. and Charlotte 8arkett c/o Michael O'dairo f"sella")
<br />,or 3111 Cardinal Drive, Vero Beach, rlorid . 32563 01tollel (561)231-6400 .
<br />I'll - - _ -Indian-.Rivet: county,-t(.political Subdivision of the #tate. of Florida f"ifuyw`s"),
<br />of 1040 25th Street, Veto beach, Florida 32960 (Phone) (561)567-8000 ,
<br />hereby agree Ula! Seller shall sall:uid Myer stall tiny Ale f llomillgR Cal Propvni.y and I'crsunnl Property (usllL`divcly"Properly"y upon the following, lernn and
<br />cononditions, mh ids INCLUDl S'laetdards for Real Estate �l'raksadtons ("Standard(sy") nn rhe WN13W .side or anadtd Ill and riders and addenda to this
<br />i ] C'lreid OrSalc ald PnrdiAw(Vontraul,
<br />I} WIt,IPFION:
<br />(a)I. pidesviptionufReallropertylocutedin Indian River County County.Morfda:
<br />S11Niw ltQatl_dose-riytivlx Exhibit "A" attached Iiiiii and made a Dart hereof.
<br />[h]SYreY(addrMlitr',Ap.ofib e- ITICItN•K 12th 9tzeot rr.nd 58th AVanue, right-of-way, County Project
<br />No. -0823.
<br />(c) PCrsranallrc+peltY-None, A-1 Zoned Parcel 1117, containing 2.92 acres is $20,000 per acre R
<br />$..9B,�Op.,�hm_balanca-4 86.B,9iA.86_ia con"naation for aoveranca_damixea i .other
<br />cos r neces.atix'�to�aatotte hi+ -=qvo functionality (5va. Attached Addendum to
<br />11. PURC'ILI5EPHRV.......................................................................................... S 114,434.86
<br />..............................................................
<br />PAYIIiLYE.
<br />(a) Deposit held in eserom liv in The amount of ..................... 5 D
<br />(b) Additional eserou'depil with fit days aper ftp eaNv Date (as HermM in Paragraph I1I) inn the amount of ....... _. _.. S 0
<br />(c) Subjca Iu AND asauniption of nwrteagc in good statdingin ram or
<br />h
<br />- -- - - nsingat ry
<br />approxirntlop{esl prhiapal balan or .................... S 0
<br />[d)Ptndtasentoncy^naarigpgeand note(see addenduen)ut Wlearnouest ol........... .... .............. .......... .... ............__........... _........ 5 0
<br />(0) Other: s 0
<br />(f) Iblotow to dose hyti-S, on%T. LOVAI.LY ARAUNuerlified or uashwr s die iso~ lhirdisarty loan,subjestfo adjtn%nxnls
<br />andprorations............... ........... ......................... ......................................... ............... ................ .......................................... S 114,434.116
<br />CCL TIhfEFOR .1CCEl'i'.►NCE OFOI7+I;R;Iii77rlf'flC'i':!],C'I7S;I;#C51:4SII.1;:ffthisotl murilex'Lonttdbyanddclitsrcvltoaltpartics[Ht VAC!-i1P
<br />F:!'ECLrrlON wmnwniwl •d rk itrit ing bLraeo T Iltc iii or before_ _ 1J- _Clay's_-.. , the dtrosii(s] !sell, at 136y+er's option. 11s Fan poen to My-
<br />er and thisoll'errsithdrarin. Thedatc of Contratt(*',lletlkeDate")mill both datcuhentlic Iastoncofthe ltuy'n and SeRcrhas sigival This a lttr. Afaaifi le
<br />wpyorihisconuadgnd anvsilpalureshcreon Aall heconsidered Fur all purItwetas origtnalc.
<br />IN. F[NANCING:
<br />(a) IflhcperdlaseptitroranypartofitistobefnitawdbyaIIIifd-party^Inma.IhisCnnUaAiswndilionedonlluyvrobaisingawilWn wtnlmitralenImilli in
<br />_ days after Eff ci ve Date for (CI IECK OAT.Y ONIS): alisd; 1 an adjustable:. or I : a Fixed or adjwtahle rate loan far the prin Lip d
<br />amount ofs , at an initial Pnterert rate Plot to onowd °o, discount and origination fer+notlo euiad
<br />_ 'o of the principal anlaunt, and a born or yvorx. lki)er mill num apr iatioa midlin days after E%div'eDate and use
<br />reasonable diliWn u to obtain die loan corms lTment mid, thereafter. to satisrythetcrnnand wndilionsoilhealnlntitnxatt and dose the loan- Rayer shall
<br />pay all loan cvcnscs. 11 Ila 4L,r rails to obtain theCnlralSdmwl Of fallslu mateV ll )W'x ria'kls under this subpmagnpll. withon The tines InrolaWninga
<br />carnutinal Or. her dili<l AIM. fails W nacttthe tenth and ulnditionsofthe wnaniiful that either party drereaftcr. by witten notice to Hie
<br />otheT.nXayeinxl. thisC'antrad and Fklyet stall herefutdedIhedeytosil(s}; or
<br />(b) The existing Ittorlgag: dcw- ihed in Paragraph 1P(c) abow-has(CIILCK ONLY ONM.): i_ 1 it variable inte(04 rate„ or a bud lilac±4 rale of
<br />% per annual AtltericofliVetranalir son 6wd irllv�s-t rareaarc xubjcdtn insrasr:. Y1'hrLacascal.lhc rale Jlall lout cxcaed '0o per wrnunt
<br />Settler shat 1. mills in daysaftcr GRediv-e Date. fulaush adatement G(lneadt nlurtgagec'Valirgprindpal balatx. nxtillOd orpaynicia, irlrt`at rate
<br />aid status of rnorlgoW. Uliu)vr has ageed to amurrXc a nittrtg,agemhith retlirires approval of lli by the ntorlI;aDx for amunption, that Buyer stall
<br />pion plly^uhSaiX clic nev scan appliun4ion and diligiatlly wnpI4c mid relura it to Of,: fr ortpwia.
<br />Any nortViiWaditrge(s)n.nitoesLv^.cdS shallbepaidlil i(Ruytnisnot aox7led hymlrtGtgeeorat! restuvvil tCstui
<br />assumption arc nal in aLtinrdancemili Ove lenmof'This Conlfad or ata rlpjll;L'e etwkcsF dtargry: in t: xu:xsofiiheslalcd alhxontl. tiL•ilLrr nr Fkeyel nuy i scind
<br />W)ia Canlrad bymriXten actio: to the Filter parlyunless either elects to pay die inacase in interest rote or cxocu rnortgagec dkargc.*.
<br />V. Trrixm ifim E. At least day's b4nedoaiogdate, hilt no canter Pik an days all T Sege{ rea'isl. All ithen n.+ti6an1an Ain 1htger
<br />hasoblainedthe loam ontaailnwal or K •a approiltd for the lomi assunption uzprnvidedin Paragraphs IV(a) and (h), abotc. or. itoppin:Mv. maiu°dthe linan-
<br />singrequireln eats, (CIMUK ONLY OANFG).a{I �1 S�etller Atilt. at Seller's expense. deliwi to l iNcr or Myer's roomer, or ,X f lawr 41.111 lit liuwr's egrvtse Obtain.
<br />in acuxdan cv milli Standard A, 1ffl #0)VA'1PffJ X abstrad ul'tnle: Or X title insuranw ,aanmuunaal (with [ gill] •alpies of ms>lrunwnls listed as
<br />excepllons) and, xRer dosing,, an of wi Y4polTLy anile insufanou.
<br />NL(U)SUNG DATE; III is tratisadion Sh all be closed and Of c deed and other dwingli delivered on or bafore 60 dada unless midilied
<br />byolhn protisinnsof'dlis ConuaA, fr>;11I "Effective Date' (See I11)
<br />NIL RF WIMI(TIONS'; FARE'4'1ENT:k; 1,51frATIONStWyin'shall take We sullied to: wnprdicasiuc land use plans_ nrning reslriAions, Prohibitions
<br />and other rquirenamts inposed by gvvi'rsrnx.'nlal authority, re•stridious and mailers appearing on the plat or othcntius wnthtwn In Ilio sXtbdivisinn: public
<br />tnility ca.wim tt% of rcmid (easen ei arc to be Ionated ceonliviousto Real Property lines and not mare than IU Ice! n uiddl as to Ihcrear Fr from lutes and
<br />7 172 red it uidlh as to the side lines, unless otherx£se stated he Frio)! laws lar year ol doung all d xubsetlu Litt yvarai asatmwd inefnga(y.•s aid purdsase money
<br />mongpg gs, if any, (ifoth cr openers, we Paragaph X V ); pr.0d Ld. dial there exists at dosis gno violation of th e. foreg u i1 g mid n nnc o f Wseln prrlmts use ofthe
<br />Propenyfur __-- road right -cif -way pu yowls).
<br />V[Q.IXSIFPAN(_T: Scllcr uairanls plat Ill ere are oto parties cit vuxlpaax}'++they!}tan Se11L'{: 1]kll. It l'rtlgl t'rS1'fY ail ltlfed fF ile're9ltCd orouupied beyond
<br />dosing die fad and Nlmidard 1=. Seller %tall delittir ouvpal.Lyof
<br />Property at Lints, Ordosingunlcss othcntix +-tared ltveuX.Ifouaepancy isto bcdclweredloclorr closing, lfurcv acetones all risk ofloulu Prop city from date of
<br />navIli shall he responsible and hablclil' nut tibio v liotnthat dalc, alstl Eball bcdctnwd lu hAw Liv eptediliopowili itsexistingwndition asulimw of
<br />taking otxahpantg'nnle s nlhvroiu staled hereat.
<br />IN.'rVP[S1i7dMTNORMND1►'TIr['riNPROV'ISIONS:TypouittenorIfatdwittrtpravisiuns,ridersand adllndaAIM Iwill priftedVromiOns
<br />ollhis Canlrad In uutlliA mill! than
<br />N. RlDIRS:[C1ii?CFClhuaeridersughidfarcapplicablcA\DarcatWdtedWWhis(',+nua.t>.
<br />(a) I-7 I INNVI XI ION
<br />(b) i-] CONDONIDO Nl (f) I %s is" '1
<br />(c) j F(,Rl.iCt v i tW 1:57'hiP,NrINRIt.11.1'IfOPf RTl 'fA; ACI' (It)j IItyl,ll.tllh'NP.PIR' ARSOCI;1'I'ION DISVLty\l'Rli
<br />(d) I ] NAIFIIA (It1 RIiSl9yli\I"IAI.I.ISAD-fIASL:DII,v%:ARi]DIRCLCI.S('RI.
<br />(;) I A tlraxiun To Contract For Sale W Purchase ELd
<br />-
<br />--Addelidum -No. 2 • 2L_ to CouL
<br />a!>g llux•cllase
<br />FAR., HARd ReliwxI 12'95 (C) PM, Florida Axvodal.ion nl'Reahors(R) Pl)- lksx n1i Otl4adu, I b+Tiela 13Mrt•5X)2s All RililtsRe--ii%ed Pay: I o I ♦/J ,,�, FIT 11 foriPl is Iiie"Wd for use byINUAIcAlteler Publirlhill$ WT-W4,11is
<br />t•
<br />