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Berryman & Henigar
Approval of Consultant Contract for Economic Development &
Community Development Block Grant Application & Administration Services
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Beiiymain 8 Hentgar R 9 - l o0 <br />CONSULTANT AGREEMENT <br />THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered the/.T day of 1999, by and between <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONS thereinafter called "COUNTY'), <br />and BERRYMAN S HENIGAR, INC.. a Florida Carrollton with offices 1414 SW Martin Luther King <br />Avenue, Ocala, FL, Iheo-,mall, ooietl ",OtISUI TAUT4-I <br />'Nt t N'd S F iH <br />WHEREAS, the COUNTY n. undenslnt9 m. economic aevelopmenl project that will include <br />the development of a grant application and gram sommsuabon activities involving funds from the <br />Florida Department of Community Affairs. Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program. <br />Economic Development Category (hereinafter called'PROJECT^). and <br />WHEREAS. the COUNTY w shas to engage CONSULTANTS to provide certain services with <br />regard to the PROJECT as sal forth by Paragraph I DESCRIPTION OF WORK AND SERVICES: and <br />WHEREAS, the CONSULTANTS rep --rd r it have no experpso to provide such work <br />and services. <br />NOW, THEREFORE. in c-,, .,rate• o• • aua1 co,enaots contained herein, d is agreed <br />that CONSULTANTS are hereby s.,up!ayad auemaeau and installed by the COUNTY to perform <br />such services as are Specifically described herein accordance mm Ne following covenants and <br />conditions• which both CONSULTANTS and me COUNT'y have agreed upon <br />I. DESCRIPTIONSF WORK AND SERVICES <br />A. The COUNTY demes the hese aw, wan of cenam meas volhm PROJECT and wishes <br />to continue to undertake the ordedr '.rid rep -j:' eJ e.dope.,ol of sueri areas in such a manner <br />that will help create new lobs requ r,. m...:.p_n,sl:... ul j,ate It oaq, from the grant's Participating <br />Partly, protect the health, safety ,.01 tie and m: nay or life of m.• residents of the COUNTY. In <br />furtherance of these goals. nm ' 1. Lf IIP rte.::— ".ar me CUNSULTANIS provide professional <br />services within present technological knowledge and accepted standards and consistent with the <br />current requirements of law and The Small Colors Community Development Block Grant Program. <br />Upon all parties signing this Agreement CONSULTANTS shall provide COUNTY with the specific <br />services identified herein The CONSULTANTS do hereby agree with the COUNTY for the <br />considerations named herein to perform such consultation work and services as stipulated by this <br />Agreement or any addenda thereto <br />B. The work and serv¢xs nrvohed shill include review of an pertinent data. studies and <br />plans which the COUNTY has In its possession unit agrees to poll for CONSULTANTS. <br />C. The CONSULTANTS ::can r, )ik Ak-o,ly Ann tete COUNTY on all aspects of the work <br />and services. The work will include coopemtve worlung sessions with COUNTY officials and <br />departments and presentations before public ageneses <br />D. The CONSULTANTS agree to issue reports of all work completed to date tludng the <br />term of this Agreement and further agree to provide any and all Information or status reports as <br />reasonably requested by the COUNTY RECEIVED <br />°f ° APR 'J 0 1999 <br />
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