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40 <br />40 <br />RECEIVED <br />APR 16 1999 9,3 <br />CLERK TO THE BOARD AGREEMENT <br />between <br />Sebastian Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad, Inc. <br />and the Indian River County Emergency Services District <br />re: Transfer of Title on Fire Stations Nos. 8 and 9 <br />This agreement is made and entered into this / 3 day of // �l'/ , <br />1999, by and between the Sebastian Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue <br />Squad, Inc. (hereinafter "Volunteers") and the Indian River County Emergency <br />Services District (hereinafter "District') for the sale of two fire stations in North <br />County. <br />WHEREAS, the Volunteers offered to sell Fire Stations Nos. 8 and 9 to the <br />District for a total purchase price of $35,000; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the District, at its meeting <br />March 23, 1999, met and approved the payment and purchase; and <br />WHEREAS, in order to memorialize some conditions that were part of the <br />property transfer, the parties agree as follows: <br />1. The Volunteers will use the proceeds from the sale of the two stations to <br />purchase equipment, for travel expenses for volunteer members to attend <br />emergency services training or conferences, and for associated uses which <br />would expand and improve emergency services response in the North County <br />area. <br />2. The District will continue its support, training, and assistance to the <br />Volunteers. <br />3. The proceeds from the sale of the two stations will not be used for the <br />personal financial gain of members of the volunteer organization. <br />4. The District will continue to provide reasonable meeting space for the <br />Volunteers to hold their periodic meetings and training sessions. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this agreement to be <br />duly executed on the date set forth above. <br />SEBASTIAN VOLUNTEER FIRE <br />DEPARTMENT AND RESCUE <br />SQUAD, INC., a not-for-profit <br />Florida corporation <br />By Rober of nes, President <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />EMERGENCY SERVICES <br />DISTRICT <br />By el -VI <br />Kenneth R. Macht <br />Chairman <br />