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Table: of Contents Page 3 <br />Item <br />JApe1n,dhxA clear statement of «ilIingness to sign a legally banding Participating Parry <br />Agreement <br />(CDBG-E-10, D,,3.) <br />The identity and location of any collateral to be pledged by the panicipating Party NA <br />or any other requirements to be met that is required by the loci] govcmmeni <br />(CDBG-E-10, D.A.) <br />That each principal wiZI personally guarantee the CDBG loan if any portion of the C <br />grant is to be used for a loan to a for-profit business <br />(CDBG-E-10, D.,S.) <br />The names, titles, and ownership shares of all principals; <br />(CDBG-E-10, D.,6..) C <br />That the job creation ]oration would not have b6en selected without the local <br />government's agreement to ro"Fide an C <br />p y proposed infrastructure <br />(CDBG-E-IO, D.,T.) <br />The uses and the amounts to which all leverage and equity funds will be C <br />dedicated.... <br />(CDBG-E-10, 1x1.,8.) <br />Adequate information to complete HUD Form 2880 to document the pecuniary C <br />interest and other disclosure requirements <br />(CDBG-E-10, D.;9.) <br />A statement that for the last [%%o years: <br />C <br />The Participating Party has not declared bankruptcy; and That no principal of the <br />Participating Party has declared bankruptcy, <br />(CDBG-E-IO, D.,1o.) <br />BUSINESS PLAN, to include the foilo%tiing: <br />(CDBG-E-10, E.) D <br />T)Pe of organization (slap-up) (CI)BG-E-10, (CI)BG-E-10, E., 1, ) <br />Organization Structure (corporation) <br />(CDBG-E-l0, E., 2.) n <br />SIC code, tiiston., product line. <br />(C1)BG-E-10, E., 3.} t7 <br />