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Option Agreement for Sale & Purchase/Blue Goose/Daniel I. Preuss, Trustee
Barbara B. Lynch, Trustee & Wayne C. Sommers, & Florida Communities Trust & IRC
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Cot .41a" �rq ! A t1* : � .�� t d 1Ea <br />project - Blue bogie Contract a: <br />Prnjetit ft"ny Tot a l,I7,a: za .+ i •35+ t�uUUp.UU30-4t1po 1,5 <br />Panel w; Freaks. Trustee, el al, <br />:r <br />OPTION AGREEMENT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE 113 <br />THUS AGREENEENT Lv made this _1S'td3y of L/ <br />� enccTEL 1. PSc I iS. <br />!R[?STFE. BARBARA A. L -MCH. TRUSAF. a A1TT C. SCL\rFRS (cnfax addr :calla:tisolyftxhe purpose of thisAlttiely. <br />Agreement �. <br />i%936 U,S. 11igh%voy i. Suite ;L Sebastian FL. <br />the FLORWA COMML:`UMs TRUST. a nonregulaton agent) within tite Department of Community <br />• Affairs, ("acquiring Agency") whose address is'555 Shumard Uak Btrulcvard. T:allahassec. Florida 3239`), <br />and INDIAN Rn ER COUNTY. Florida. a political subdivision within the state of Florida, ('Local <br />Government'), whose address is c o Conanunity Development Y7cp3rtmeftL 1840 25" Street. Vera Beach. <br />Florida 32940, .acquiring Agency and Local amCrurnent %sill he cnlleclively refetrcd to as'Purchacel". <br />i <br />I OZB.A.`T OF L+P_ JLQ_. Seller hereby grants to Purchaser the exwlusi%e option to purchase the rea'1 <br />properly located in Indian River County. Florida, described in Exhibit "A together Kith all improvements. <br />easements and appumnances ('Property"°), in accordance %kith the provisions of this Agreement. Thin Option <br />Agreement becomes legally binding upon execution by the parties but exercise of the Gplion is subject to <br />approval by Purchaser and is cffectn•c only if Acquiring Agency and Local Govcmmcnt giv.: written notice <br />of exercise to Seller, <br />2. t7ZUQZ , The Option Payment is Sl 00.00 ("Option Payment"), The Option Pa3-raent, in the <br />form ofa Cowttycheck,%%gill be forwarded to Seller after full execution ofthis agreement. The option maybe <br />exewised during the period beginning with the Purchaser's approval of this Agreement and the Acquiring <br />Agency's governing body granting project plan approval in accordance with Rule W401 Florida <br />Administrative Lode, gad ending on .atkgust 31. 1999 C'°Optinn Expiration Date"). unless extended by other <br />provisions of this AY:roemcnt. In the event :,.cquiring Agency s Purchase; Price (as bereinalier defined in <br />Paragraph 3.A) or Local Government's Purchase Price (as hereinafter defined in Paragraph ?.:ea) are not <br />available by the OpUon E.%piradon date the period of exercise of the option may b: extended until such funds <br />become available, not to exceed 30 days after the t'Sption Expiration hate, by rkri[ten noli,x to Seller. <br />Notwithstanding the above, an important okf ectivc far both Seller and Purchaser is to close on the purchase <br />and sale of the Property under this .apecment by dune 25. 1999, or as soon thmafter as possible: and both <br />parties agree to use their best e>durts to do so. <br />3.A. IQ T P m r' PRICE, The total purchase price ("Total Purehasc Price') for the Property is <br />TL 'O i IiAVDREp SLl71Y THOUSAND DOLLARS ( 5260.000.00) which, alter rcduclion by the amount 01 <br />the Option PaymeM will be paid by ,Acquiring Agcncy and Local G0`crnmcnt at closing to Seller or Seller's <br />designated agent who meets the requirements of Section 253.035. Florida Statutes, in the tnanner sel forth <br />herein. The Total Purchase Price shall he paid to Beller as follo%s^s:Acquiring Agency shall pay the lesser of <br />5130,000 or 50%ofthe final adjusted Total Purchase Price for the Property as detcrnrhted in accordance s%ith <br />paragraph 3.13. ("Acquiring Agency's Purchase Price"), kvWclr after reduction by Acquiring .agency of the <br />Option Payvtcrt6 %►iIl he paid lu Seller h}' stair k% arrant al closing: and Local Gv+r rnment shell pay the~ lesser <br />of5130,000 or 30go of the final adjusted Total Purchase Price for the Property° as determined in a%xordart" <br />%ithpatagraph3.B. ("Local Gov4mmernl'sPurohase Price"). will he paid to Seller by Local Govemntcnl cheek <br />at closing, The Total Purchase price is subiect to adjustment in accordance %zith paragraph :3_B. the <br />detennittation of the final 1001 Pruchase Price can only be tirade after the complalion and approval of tate <br />survey required in paragraph 5, This Agreement is contingernt upon approval of Total Purchase Price. <br />�tr•�_r� _ -cc,� <br />
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