Laserfiche WebLink
Data Development <br />All data developed as a result of this agreement shall be <br />developed in accordance with standard formats acceptable to the <br />Department. <br />Survey work to be performed shall meet the minimum technical <br />standards for surveys in accordance with Chapter 61G-17, Florida <br />Administrative Code. All monumentation set or points of origin <br />established shall be based upon those control markers designated <br />on the most recently recorded legal description of the Coastal <br />Construction Control Line, except that any First or Second Order <br />federal or state horizontal control marker may be used to <br />establish or confirm position and direction and any First, <br />Second, or Third Order federal or state vertical control marker <br />shall be used to establish or confirm elevation. G.P.S., <br />Traverse, and Level Loop information shall be adjusted by <br />Compass, Crandall, or Least Square Method. Detailed field notes <br />and computation records shall be kept of the survey and copies <br />shall be made available to the Department upon request. <br />Abstracts of all monumentation or points of origin shall be <br />submitted in digital form and contain at a minimum all field <br />requirements for the Department's Monument Information Tracking <br />System. All profile data shall be submitted in digital form and <br />conform to the standard formats acceptable to the Department. <br />