<br />rite -, I hq
<br />PARTIES; _Paul_.C,_ isedax:vna_and_if4�4]�_t3�8adsS4n�r-- _ ('Muer")
<br />ar 9d -3 fi YAxse.-.S944il,._110riAR—_329dO (Perone) _ S_G1)__5_G7_-A96) -
<br />mrd indiait.�R3.]Ggi_r.�lYl11<Y,—�_acltEit]ai- iuhdiv!`��.4A_4,�._t$9�C1$i��TlG6id:_ - -- -- ("Ituytr"j,
<br />of yI.B �S�h_. is*�.t...YNtCL8alt9h. Slorida__ 24551 (Phone) _(Ul)567-8000
<br />herebyaDracalat Seller shall sell and Buyer ahall buyane M10%vrgReal Pe"I'cityand Pers -nal property (Lnlledively "Pruperty) uponau follohvu+gsenrnand
<br />conditions, whidt INCLUDLStand ards for RealEStaleTranUdion a ("Stand ard(s)') an the reverse side or attached hereto and rides mid addenda to ibis
<br />Contract fir S ate an d Rade ase ("Cu ntracil,
<br />(a) Legsldewiption ofRoal Property located in—TwU&n_Jt;L"r_CQUAt4Y County, Florida: _
<br />3sr 3�gaL tivt:Lcpn _NAbibit "A" a ta4had-hereto-wKLl>aa,doL_"Ax-t-hf!ru —
<br />Street address, city, rip, ofthe Property is;
<br />1I 4c) Persons] Propaty:
<br />C71C(fdlNS� ll Nd d7i
<br />19A -MC 40 C04M46W611e&1r 0F CaVSMCP!bM, SEU" MAY Afof/B MC AAAW Cee tf arNj in 7116' 28,ilgxroGr.',e"�crK'r c r,Y
<br />IL MR01ASEPRICE fJ ..#�lLf .�XPCfi'IS:.. .�f.t!/�TIfERLJ1G Fl1.t/L{T..�lfc Gl&Ai' dki9k'. S '90.0,00
<br />PA"IENT: eo ✓Awrro iY writ err l,;r , dh' [veers//, najA- toA6Y Tbreu"v' ? c-4,40
<br />(a) Deposit held in esurow by Ctrl' f1F Aric- r as_': Lt4ppttl Y71t f' Jpj�, in 1hC amount of ....................... S 0�-
<br />(b) Addilionaluarowdepositw•ithin daysa&rEffiadiveDale(as erinedmParagraphtll)utlheanlnun[uF.............. S p
<br />(L') Subjed to AND wonnplion ofmorlgagp in good stutd'ongin favurof
<br />having an appro%imateprestertI principal be Ian cc of- ........... S 0
<br />(d) Purchase money mortVtjp and note (see addendum) in the amount of.............................................................................. S 0
<br />(C) Other: S^ Q --
<br />(1) Balance to Diose byU,S. cash, LOCALLY DRAWN cedified or cashiers doadwr third -party loan, subject to adjustmaUs
<br />wad proration%.•......................................S
<br />.................................................,.,.......�.--.............................,..........,.......... ____7F@-04..00.
<br />P�ifS� Iy�rLr: 7ff!3 ta✓7,+tirt3• �s 3`t/BJErr T� �it/P%7'r''+���i�' CorlrYrY�i�.1d. /IPPRax.fL.
<br />ITL TIM F014AMPTANCE OFOFTFR; E1,1.1WfIVEDATE; FAMMILL: Ifthis ollaisnolexcoiledbyand delivered to all parties OR FAC I' OF
<br />MCC'U'i3ON conxtahnicnted in whingbctvoc n the palliation or before _J*,, d;ya , the deposit(a)%vi@, at Buyer's option, be returned to Day,
<br />per and thiaafferwithdram,1hedate of Contrad("EffediveDate")willbethedaleWientheIngoncofthoDifycr and Seller has sigtcdthis oller. A fiesintile
<br />copy ofthisContradand anysigialurshereon shallbecansidered for all perposeaas originals.
<br />{a)Lihepurdhaaeprivicoranypartofilistob¢Gnanadbyathirdttartyloan.IhisContrAdiscond'dionedonlAyrrobtanhgaosrittcar caumtitnkttttrnhin
<br />days after Effedive Date for (CHECK ONLYONE):E] axed; ❑ an adjustable; or [] a fixed or adjustable rate loan for the principal
<br />ormunt of S , at an in iii al interest rate not to ex=d _ %, discount and original ion feta n of to cxcecd
<br />9: of Ilse prinditiol amount, and a term of years. Bayer will nuke application within days after FIrcdi%V Dale and use
<br />reasonable diligence to abtabi diatom mtrati het¢n4 and,thereager,to salis(ythelcra sand mnditinnsaflhe ahtrvnllnignt and dose Upc lout. Buyer shall
<br />pay all loan expcalser. If Buyer failsto obtain Uheolnanitmntor failsto uuive iluyces ricins under this subparagraph wilhinthe nnic farobtanmga
<br />wtnnintx%il or. after diligent elrort, fails to nowt the terins and oandilionsefthe osnnlnitnlani,nlirao citherparty Ihercaftcr, by wilt tie nalim to the
<br />other,mayanocl th,isContractand Buyer shallbe refunded thedcposit(s); or
<br />(b)Tha existing morigmge dcsaribcd in Paragraph 11(c) abovchas(CIIIiCKUNLY ONC): (] a hsiriablo uneresl rales ur F] a ficwd i» torv.,l rale of
<br />_ % per annum AtJinxoftideIransfcrsonefixedintereAratesaresubjedtoincrease. Ifinceased,the rate shall not excoud ?o per annum
<br />Sallershall,vvithin day%after Clf4fiw Dale, furaisla astatetwil Tram cadsnortgagCe alaiuigprindpalbalonar, method afpaplienl, interest rale
<br />and status ofnonty4w. ii -Buyer has ageedtn nssunae anyarl,igagev4hidt rc JU40 approval of Rut,cr by the u,ortgagce for assumption, they Ilntywr shall
<br />promptly obtain the neoaASUy appliCalian and diligently wnpICtC Arid rL'Iunt ileo etc pitangage.
<br />Any niorippgecdaargc(s)notincxoccdS shall he paid bylluyer, lfthlywisnot aoxptAbymarlgtpfcordhoraquiren><'ntsror
<br />assumption we not in aeaordanecwith the lenilsofthis Conuadar nmrtgla;yc raukesa charge iii execsaofthestatedaatlnunt, Seller orlki)vr mayrL-..ind
<br />this Centrad by afla n notim to theolher party unlesscitlter clads to paythe increase in WercA rateor excess nwrtrpgee dtatiNs.
<br />V. Tri-IXFVIDENCY: Al Icasl day% before dostngdetc,buinoCarliLrUiai __ days attcrScllerreu:iveswritten notiliwtiuunthat Moytr
<br />hasabWnedthaloan Amniillhaa l or been approved for the 10M aaAunpliuts aspruvided in Paragephs]V(s) and (h). above, or, irapplimble, "aived the Gnmi-
<br />cin grequircmonts,(CHECK ONLY ONE): 0 Set ler sl i a ll, at Settee a expense, delkvr to Buyer or Buyer's attorn ey, or Buyer alt all at 13uyvr's ell) Let se obta in,
<br />in aaaordanm wiaiSlandard A, C d` ilU itjl jr abstract a itIt%or )< litto inski fan to UlhtaniunLail (with legihlotopies of iuAsunnehts Ihtedas
<br />exoeptions)and, aflerclosing pup owncespolity oftitic insurance.
<br />VL CtMINC DATE: Thistranaadion iimil be dosed and Nie decd and Adler du6nSpapers d4wred on or bofore 64 dAyA , untum nwdi ied
<br />by olh Lr provision 9 ofthit ConlraLL -,eaq r(.StIC.22 ')
<br />VIL RESTRICTIONS; EASMIFUYTS; LIMITATIONS: Buyer Of al talu;tillesubject la! an nip reh com he Ian duse plants, wising, resuidione. probibitiona
<br />and other riecluirmnernts htpoud by govett famtoI allthnrity; reAridions and maucrs appcaring oil Ute plat or odicnvise eonmun to do subdivision; public
<br />utility eassatmts of remrd(casenimts ma to ba located wnliguousto Real Prop city lutea acid natwore an an ID ret in width as to the roar or Gant lutea of
<br />7 It fent in width as to the side litre, uldesaothrrvstseAdrd herrin);iswoo for year afdosingmid subsetluentyears; assu filed noor(gapm and purdhasentancy
<br />tmngagea, if any, (ifotbcrmstiera, Me Paragraph \V);proiridad. dwdiere exists at dosuhgno violatimn of01a forelvingmtd 11oil eofatcup, preveiItxlose orate
<br />Property for d_right-ctf�may
<br />VLLOMPANCY: Seller AarranIA that there are no parties in occupancy orthcr then Seller; bill, i
<br />doaung, the fad and Semis thereof shall be staledhcicin and Ole Lcnant(s)orowipants disdosed pup
<br />Property attimaofdosingunlessothcmisestatedlhereuh_ifoouponLyistobcilelivrredbeforealusup
<br />ooalpanq, shall be responsible and liable Cor nwbnlwvance Gonithatdaw,andslontl bedecnxd lu ba
<br />I skin & oamp an cy un less olh crvvise stated If arc in.
<br />L\ TYPiuWIlf7iEtiORfEA]tiD►FRTTfYIiI'!t(1F'ISl(1.1ti:'rypcwtilSitarhandvrriticrtprovisiatas.
<br />afthisContrad in oonflid with them
<br />X RIDE.RS:(C]IECKtheseridmoimhidiareappliwbleANDareattad:edtoOfixCantrati):
<br />(b) [] CONDOMINIUM (I) ❑ "AS 1S"
<br />(d) [] VAI FRA (h) [] RFSIDE,,rIAI
<br />PARii3AR4 Revised IV93 (C) 19K Florida AsaodmdonufRrahort(R) P.O. 11ox715023 ChImida, F
<br />This corm it livrtsrd rot Ute by1SCl•h1vARi6cr Publishing )OI-YiG{]SS
<br />Indian RiverCounly
<br />Appeared
<br />Date
<br />Asiatiinlsl.ralints
<br />�
<br />-� fo �'
<br />'tudgct
<br />i.rnut,
<br />1"1111114' iYnt]Ls
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<br />Capitat Ptoleels
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