<br />I I PARTES: Z .si > nye 2(`xella'J
<br />of 12_Ilntu Qo nit era _ treat PAIM geanti"J 4 ; � 'C. Qo (Pisano) t ,
<br />and Incl♦ ant v-er county. a mac] +S.i �� 4r.h 4s+on gf ghu Stasci of Z10 WA ("Bulee'),
<br />of . 1840 .eftYt � aatr vaso lSeapit ��ar{da 't Wo (Phone) l6h}�gd7-8otla ,
<br />hereby twoethat Seller shell sell and buyer shall buythe following Real Property and Pan. I Prepesty (ooltedlwlyr'PropooLn up on the lbllowwguanuan
<br />couddoaa, Mich INCLUDEStandardc Wr RvalExawTry sj-cUos ["5undord(syry as thorawrsa aide or attadred horeto and riders and sddmda to this
<br />Contract tiarSLle usdNrehato(Coll trarr),
<br />{� L DESCRMi'Mm
<br />(a) Logi dmcr;i tion ofRal Prop my tooued in County, F1j `aidat
<br />1;0, lggAIn u
<br />(b) WW&ddrws,city, 0,ogaProp styis: gale Rea�YSii71: �pf.'�� _.
<br />(0) Personal Ptopaty. 2.71 -ca an
<br />C
<br />ILPURCHiSMir-.,.„......... .............. .................. .............. .................. I.— ............. ,,,..,.....,....,......,.............,,............... S i4 791I94
<br />PAYIrfEI+.'Tt
<br />(a) Dep ask hold in Ostrow by in the anwuntOf-- .................. S 0
<br />(b) Add Won a1wrowdcpoaitAithin days er uE&ZvoDate. (as duGnedPiPuaLxaph111)intheamowttof.............. S_
<br />(C) Subject to AND =utrgdon of mortgtge id good zindingin favor of
<br />havhsgmh approainwtcprciR,tprinaipal bslanosof.. S ,�^�
<br />(d)Purdrssemonoyrnostpgeandnoto(seeeddcndom)inthoamountef...............................................„.....,...,,,,...,...,...S Ol_
<br />(o) char: S 0
<br />( BLliaoatociese tryU.S. taslt, L(3vALtY bit AVlTl0.rtiriederr mshket dtedcarthtrdparty loan, subjoatoadjurwfutts
<br />and prom'Jons.................................... ................. ....................... .,..,....,.....,........ .......... ................ S
<br />III. TOM FOR ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER; F.14'E4'iTVE DATE. FACS MM Ifthis ofor is notaxeattcd byead ddtvuulto all parties OR FACT OF
<br />EXECUTION mrrenurticuted bh %whing bottww n the parties on Orb vtofo she depoait(s)vviklr at Boyar's apUoo, bordurned W Soy
<br />eesadthkoffwmekhdrahm. The duoofContrstt("EifediveDAC')v+ill be the datecthMthe MoncoftlivBuyer trtd Sellerhuslgtedthisoffer. A 4"Intiln
<br />Copy Ofth s,Contraa and any signatures heron shall be eonsidarcd for all purposes as arishtals.
<br />tY, FINA1vC�iiG;.
<br />(9) lfthepurtbua pricc or mypart otk is to be En onord byalhird arty loan, this Cantraa iscondW000d on layer nbtrinlrtgiwritsaa tatttRtttt=tW17 in
<br />days ajlcr EGattivo i}ata far (CHECK ONLY ONE);0 alixoL ® an adjUA*blc; or ❑ e fixed or adjustable Tato loan far iha prtr16psl
<br />tusaudt Of$y , at an "at iaiCItA rue not to exceed %- discount sad a
<br />ripnstdaa:cas A9tta lxAeed
<br />of the principal mount, and a tam of years, Buyer will make appli.etio- %Mizi. days age EBorfdwDate andtsa
<br />reasonable dt'ligmee to Obtain the loaacotraaaaoentwd,theraa@er,torah*thotamsandsad close the loan. Suyzr#beil
<br />pay L11 lean epmaes, If Buyer WistoobtaiathemrrmitmcalorAlletommive BuyesrtGitts under this svbpar1VgIs+v'bltiothe tlmeforabtalninga
<br />raraxrivAwt or, aper Mgmt tTo:% full to meet the Uma and mnditioMOMeoomWwwt then ebherpid)rtheceslet, by witted notice to the
<br />oWer,auyanstl 'WisCoatradand Buyer rhallbe rc9utdod thedeposit(o); or
<br />(b) Tito dust og twrtgsgo dcauibod in Paragraph 11(t) above It►s(CMECR ONLY ONE): d a varlabta later” rate; or 0 a Bred ioterost rasa of
<br />per annum Attimaoft thiraasfar aormfixed iatmA rates aro subjedto increase. If ocreatcd,therate aballnot lxoeed %per L"Um
<br />Seller shall,vy:hi day%sdsrEffadivaDite, Nmish artatcntiot omcadtraortZAV* aUngpriadpalbduam,method oCpaymaayiaicueg rate
<br />Lad status off4wriS,tge.IfRuyerbas sgreulto assume amortgageccWch requires approval ofikiw bytbo aaartgagea kr assumption, thea Boyar shall
<br />p to nVUy obtain the a oceusry app lindion and d lligently wrT Leto and return it to th a rm rt&AEFo,
<br />Any nwrLpFadt.uga(a)not tomead Sshallbapaid bylloym IfBuyarisnot"ledbytmAJAseaorthercquisernaltafor
<br />n are s
<br />auumpliaot in s=rdancovvith the terms ofthis Contract or nmrtgaVt taakcs a charge in exxsa ON notod amouak Seller or B" y, may rayon
<br />this Contra sbycvr;Unaotimtosheotherpmyunltssakhcrcleo topay:hoinatuse i'tintcrenraft orc=UroortpgFecharger.
<br />V, TITLEEVII)ZNCY-At least days before do6ngda%butnocardertitin days after Seller re�civaceriumnotifiratiouthat suyct
<br />Ila% Obtahsod lila loan eoAunisnmi. or bean cep rovad Wss rtho laoaumtVtian asprdvided in PcraVaphs l V(s) end (b), ebovo, or, Ifapplictblo, urolvad the futaas-
<br />t8tgrequlretasdlts,(CIIL'CKONLYONE): ('� $tiler'hall,etSenu'sCaytatrv,delivertoBuyer ofBuytesaaomay;drt4 BuyerrhallatBuytfsaapensoabwin,
<br />in aaaordmop ,%tdtSaadardA.(CHECK ONLY OM); 0 abaraa of it:a;or lK title 4rsuranod mrrxnitssrxis(vvitb lc�bleaopieaofiadrutnenL lirtcdas
<br />exogtioaa)and, allerdosingan Owars'apolicy oftwo. Omranw.
<br />VL CLOSING VAT&Thistransaction shallbo dorod =d the dead anJ vthtrdc:ativpayvrs dcitcrrld on _arQrer„ a gg datVLi_ , un1wA wadilled
<br />by other pcnvidonsof'thia Cottua,t
<br />VM RFS'1 UCTIONSt PJt bSNTSi I.:RUTATIONS:Buyerrhall tu'rctilcaubjadta: ounVitheasivo lsnduta plms,wning laarlrtioor.prohibitIarr
<br />And other eaquirenwaUunposedby&ONcrew,= LAI ausharity;rurridionaand m3norsappemi.'sgon thOplat or otberwice wtmmatOtho aubdlcision;publlo
<br />U111hy OLremmis of raOrd(eaapgents ora to beloo,ted contlgrOttale.Rml propertyliArsaad nottmra than l0VM mvrrdth, s4tothoreu or goalliucs and
<br />7 U 2 fed la xidth as to the tido l eta, trta[eu alhefrntst *bared beraln)l taxer. for }ear ordoalag and sabwqu tart ya;yaisumod maartpSea and p urds Baa Ater ay
<br />axsrt(Yiir4 if any-, ((f otb er caarcxy sea Pusgrap It XV); pt"dcd, that there taloa at dotia gno violation of tb o tbre fpiag and none ofth ceaprovents use o Me
<br />Property for — 3 4iCt�Yi ghoirsray o s
<br />PurP a.M J
<br />VnL OWURANM Sallcr mulauta that there ora no persica iA omhpangOlhsrtbw Seller, but, lfr opertyisiaknded toborented oromrpiod beyond
<br />dosing the fid and saran thereof than be daladheta4n and theteaaat(s)orocospants disclosod pursuen(to Standard A Seller shall dellver vowpaocyof
<br />Property a:tlrwordocingunkuothrr&r-amddbctcln,lfo=pancyittobed4wredbefore dosIngBuyer asaumcssllriakoflosstoPrQpotyfromdueor
<br />ommpwcy, shall barevonLiblear,d liable for nninten anm'bomthat date, and AAll bedwiriedtoha-.tmaaoptt plopedyinWexittj3&eouditlonIsoft4wof
<br />tayangoaup Lnty unieas nlhcntisa r wed hucht.
<br />M TYPnYR.T1 F—NORIJAND4S7elilFNPROVZSiONStT)pMitttn orhm&rimn provisions, rid eraand addenda shall, control All printod provisidea
<br />ofUsu Genera s is OSnflid with Ilton
<br />X. RMPRS: (CHECK those riders %hIda are applierblc AND sra munched to this Contract):
<br />(b) [3 CmDCAIINIuM (i) © "ASIS"
<br />(i) 4�
<br />FARIBAR-4 RaVlaed 19195 (C) 1994, Fiorido Asrodatioa*fRaAorr(R) P.O. Pax AIM Orlando, Florida 34$7l.W Alllz4taRworved paBr I of3
<br />Thu form Ls lloarsad forum bylSG 1fclJdialri'u6lishingsi)3 54b d33S
<br />