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8/11/2023 12:27:11 PM
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8/11/2023 12:19:09 PM
Official Documents
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Brackett & Comppany
Mill Creek Subdivision
Cash Deposit & Escrow Agreement/Contract for Construction of reqired improvements
AF@ Curb at CatchBasins & Increase Width at Enterance
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40 <br />i <br />0 <br />County, Florida upon the final approval of the Board of County Commissioners and <br />made a part hereof for all purposes. <br />2. Developer agrees to construct said improvements strictly in <br />accordance with the land development permit, the most recent set of plans and <br />specifications for this subdivision approved by the County and on file in the Planning <br />and Development Division, and all County development regulations and standards, <br />including conditions and requirements of any applicable County right-of-way permit, all <br />of which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof. <br />3. In order to guarantee performance of this contract, Developer shall <br />simultaneously herewith furnish an executed cash deposit and escrow agreement, in a <br />form to be approved by the County Attorney, between Developer and the Indian River <br />County ffice of Management and Budget„ as the escrow agent, in the amount of <br />$ <br />4 U- , which amount is not less than one hundred fifteen percent <br />(115%) of the estimated total east of improvements remaining to be constructed, as <br />determined in accordance with the County's Subdivision and Platting Ordinance. It is <br />understood that the full amount of the escrow deposit shall remain available to the <br />County and shall not be reduced during the course of construction without an express <br />written modification thereof, the escrow agreement executed by all the parties. <br />Requested reductions shall not be unreasonably withheld by the County. Developer <br />may at any time substitute guarantees, subject to the approval as to form and amount <br />by the County. <br />4, up to $1.000,000.00, or the limits of any applicable underlying or <br />excess insurance coverage carried by Developer or to be obtained during the course of <br />the construction of the subdivision improvements, Developer agrees to indemnify, gold <br />harmless, and defend the County against any and all claims, damages, losses, and <br />expenses, including attorney's fees, for property damage, personal or bodily injury, or <br />loss of life, arising from the negligent acts or omissions of the Developer, its officers, <br />employees, agents, or contractors, subcontractors, laborers, or suppliers, relating to <br />the construction of the required improvements, including all those improvements to be <br />constructed on existing publicly dedicated or County -owned property, such as street, <br />sidewalk, bikepath, lighting, signalization, traffic control, drainage, water, or sewer <br />improvements. <br />5. The County agrees to approve the plat for recordation in the Public Records <br />of Indian River County, Florida upon a finding as to compliance with all applicable <br />
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