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r <br />CRA makes no guarantees of legal sufficiency. <br />TASK 9 Obtain relevant local data, such as minority employment. <br />Summarize and report data as required for the application. <br />{ Assistance from the local staff will be required to retrieve <br />data. <br />TASKIQ Complete the application forms, providing all required <br />documentation and maps. <br />TASK 11 Develop necessary files of supporting documents. <br />TAS"" Prepare the advertisement for and conduct (or assist in <br />conducting) the final public hearing. Obtain comments and take <br />appropriate actions, present an enabling resolution to the <br />governing body for adoption. <br />TASKS Assemble the application; deliver it to the printer; pick it up; <br />deliver required copies (with required original documents) to the <br />funding agency on or before the application deadline; mail <br />required items to the Regional Planning Council, and other <br />agencies as required, for review. <br />TASK 9-4 if requested, be present during the agency's field review of the <br />project. <br />TASK 15 If appropriate, assist in appealing application score. <br />