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PART II <br />FEE AND PA MENT SC HE <br />For Administrative Services, the County will pay CRA the sum of $60,000 of <br />the grant award. The fee shall not exceed 8% of the Final Grant Amount <br />pursuant the administration fee limit established by the Department of <br />Community Affairs. The fee amount shall be issued by the County to CRA <br />over a period of 12-24 months. This method of payment is for convenience, <br />and does not indicate that services performed each month are equal in value, <br />nor that total final payment for services performed is limited to the amount <br />invoiced through a particular month. <br />If the project is satisfactorily competed in less than 24 months, the balance <br />of the administration fee will be paid to CRA by the tenth calendar day of the <br />month after submission of the preliminary closeout report to DCA, subject to <br />availability of funds. If CRA is delayed in completing work as required, the <br />payment schedule may be mutually negotiated to reflect the actual progress. <br />It is agreed by CRA and the County that legal and audit expenses will be the <br />responsibility of the County. <br />