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GEoSYNnc CONsuLTAN-r5 <br />Mr. Ronald R. Brooks <br />8 June 1999 <br />Page 3 <br />Task 1: Project Mana eg ment <br />Under this task, Ms. Weeks will coordinate all work scope elements. She will <br />ensure the budget and schedule commitments are met and that IRC is integrated into the <br />project. <br />Task 2A: Review and Assessment of Data/Reports <br />GeoSyntec proposes to conduct a brief review of IRC's files related to the Gifford <br />Road Landfill site to ensure that the information we obtained during the proposal <br />preparation process is complete. (We have learned that we are missing a few <br />documents). As part of this effort and with IRC's help, we will work to obtain and <br />review copies of all pertinent materials, including reports and available information that <br />may assist in designing an effective remedy. <br />Task 213: Prepare Source Identification Workplan <br />The PRAP will include a workplan that is designed to search for the source of the <br />VOC groundwater contamination. For this effort, we will review historical information, <br />such as plume migration patterns and aerial photographs, to guide the assessment <br />design. The Source Identification Workplan will be implemented following Florida <br />Department of Environmental Protection ('DEP) approval. The results of the fieldwork <br />and analysis will be included in the RAP. If source area(s) are identified within the <br />landfill, remedial measures can be designed to address the source area(s). If the source <br />areas are remediated, cleanup of the groundwater will be expedited. <br />Task 2C: 'Evaluate Remedial Options and Resign Pilot Test <br />GeoSyntec will evaluate candidate remedial technologies to address the VOC <br />groundwater impacts just east of the landfill. The pilot test design will focus on <br />performancc of interim remedial measures through use of a small-scale test system near <br />the northeastern landfill boundary. If the pilot test program is effective, the remedial <br />XR98070/F990270.DOC <br />Q- ... - _. ,}. <br />Aak <br />