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FWC Contract No. 00252 <br />PAVING, SPORTING CLAYS AND RIFLE AND HANDGUN RANGE IMPROVEMENTS is a new section <br />added to the Original Contract to read as follows: <br />The Concessionaire agrees to make enhancements to the facility by repaving the entry road and improving <br />the sporting clays trail. To assist with these improvements the Commission is providing $200,000 in <br />funding to enhance ADA compliance for the sporting clays stations and improvements in sound abatement <br />and electronic targets on the rifle and handgun ranges. <br />To spend funds provided by the Commission, the Concessionaire is required to coordinate purchases <br />through the Commission Purchasing procedures. The Concessionaire is required to provide documentation <br />(invoices) of the improvements made by the Concessionaire. These expenditures will be used as required <br />matching funds for the Commission's grants. <br />FWC Contract/Agreement Amendment Last Revised: 2.1 1.2022 Page 2 of 4 <br />