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(b) In addition to the foregoing, the Recipient and the Division shall be governed by all <br />applicable State and Federal laws, rules, and regulations, including those identified in the Scope <br />of Work (Attachment A). Any express reference in this Agreement to a particular statute, rule, or <br />regulation in no way implies that no other statute, rule, or regulation applies. <br />(3) PERIOD OF AGREEMENT <br />(a) This Agreement shall begin July 1, 2023 and shall end on June 30, 2024, <br />unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph (12) TERMINATION. <br />In accordance with Section 215.971(1)(d), Florida Statutes, the Recipient may expend funds authorized <br />by this Agreement "only for allowable costs resulting from obligations incurred during" the period of <br />Agreement. <br />(4) FUNDING CONSIDERATION <br />(a) This is a cost -reimbursement Agreement, subject to the availability of funds. <br />(b) The State of Florida's performance and obligation to pay under this Agreement is <br />contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature, and subject to any modification in <br />accordance with either Chapter 216, Florida Statutes, or the Florida Constitution. <br />(c) The Division will reimburse the Recipient only for allowable costs incurred by the <br />Recipient for the completion of each deliverable. The maximum reimbursement amount for each <br />deliverable is outlined in the Proposed Budget Detail Worksheet (Attachment A (2)) The maximum <br />reimbursement amount for the entirety of this Agreement is $105,806.00. <br />(d) The Division will review quarterly requests for reimbursement by comparing the <br />documentation provided by the Recipient against a performance measure, outlined in Scope of Work <br />(Attachment A), and Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion <br />(Attachment C) which clearly delineates: <br />The required minimum acceptable level of service to be performed; and, <br />The criteria for evaluating the successful completion of each deliverable. <br />(e) The Division's Grant Manager, as required by Section 215.971(2)(c), Florida Statutes, <br />shall reconcile and verify all funds received against all funds expended during the period of agreement <br />and produce a final reconciliation report. The final report must identify any funds paid in excess of the <br />expenditures incurred by the Recipient. <br />(f) For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "improper payment" means or includes: <br />Any payment that should not have been made or that was made in an incorrect <br />amount (including overpayments and underpayments) under statutory, contractual, administrative, or <br />other legally applicable requirements; and, <br />061 <br />