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DocuSign Envelope ID: 56861973-E58E-4AE, CO-81CF4A169D2B AlftN <br />STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Form 725-OOD02 <br />PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION DEVe <br />TRAME TT <br />GRANT AGREEMENT EXHIBITS OCIC DW72 <br />Operating Expense per Passenger Trip <br />3) Submit the publisher's affidavit from newspaper covering the transit service area that the performance measures <br />identified in Table A-1 Required Performance Measure for Newspaper Publication of FDOT Procedure 725-030-030 <br />were published each year after the Department written approval. <br />4) Submit a copy of the Transit Development Plan (TDP) annual progress report or updates each year <br />5) Submit quarterly progress reports via TransCIP, the web -based state grant management software, by logging into <br />h <br />6) Submit an invoice on the project at least every quarter or they may specify in an email to the Department Project <br />Manager. The email must be provided in the invoice packet provide to the department. The Agency shall upload a <br />copy of invoice to TransCIP and email the original to for processing. <br />The project scope identifies the ultimate project deliverables. Deliverables for requisition, payment and invoice <br />purposes will be the incremental progress made toward completion of project scope elements. Supporting <br />documentation will be quantifiable, measurable, and verifiable, to allow for a determination of the amount of <br />incremental progress that has been made, and provide evidence that the payment requested is commensurate with <br />the accomplished incremental progress and costs incurred by the Agency. <br />E. Unallowable Costs (including but not limited to): candy, alcohol, decorations, greeting cards, lobbying, personal <br />cell phone, office patties, entertainment, food, fans, coffee pots, portable heaters, refrigerators, microwave ovens, <br />congratulatory telegrams, refreshments, banquets, catering, gifts/flowers, promotional items. <br />F. Transit Operating Grant Requirements (Transit Only): <br />Transit Operating Grants billed as an operational subsidy will require an expenditure detail report from the Agency that <br />matches the invoice period. The expenditure detail, along with the progress report, will be the required deliverables for <br />Transit Operating Grants. Operating grants may be issued for a term not to exceed three years from execution. The <br />original grant agreement will include funding for year one. Funding for years two and three will be added by <br />amendment as long as the grantee has submitted all invoices on schedule and the project deliverables for the year <br />have been met. <br />P"s 18 of 24 <br />