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Last modified
10/9/2023 2:00:58 PM
Creation date
10/9/2023 12:37:48 PM
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Treasure Coast Homeless Services Council, Inc.
Indian River County Grant Contract Subrecipient Award 2023 for homeless rental
assistance and homeless management information system
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\Official Documents\2020's\2023
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EXHIBIT C <br />[From policy adopted by Indian River County Board Of County Commissioners on February 19, 2002] <br />"D. Nonprofit Agency Responsibilities After Award of Funding <br />Indian River County provides funding to all nonprofit agencies on a reimbursement basis only. <br />All reimbursable expenses must be documented by an invoice and/or a copy of the canceled check. <br />Any expense not documented properly to the satisfaction of the Office of Management & Budget <br />and/or the County Administrator may not be reimbursed. <br />If an agency repeatedly fails to provide adequate documentation, this may be reported to the Board <br />of Commissioners. In the event an agency provides inadequate documentation on a consistent <br />basis, funding may be discontinued immediately. Additionally, this may adversely affect future <br />funding requests. <br />Expenditures may only be reimbursed from the fiscal year for which funding was awarded. For <br />example, no expenditures prior to October 1st may be reimbursed with funds from the following <br />year. Additionally, if any funds are unexpended at the end of a fiscal year, these funds are not <br />carried over to the next year unless expressly authorized by the Board of Commissioners. <br />All requests for reimbursement at fiscal year end (September 30th) must be submitted on a timely <br />basis. Each year, the Office of Management & Budget will send a letter to all nonprofit agencies <br />advising of the deadline for reimbursement requests for the fiscal year. This deadline is typically <br />early to mid-October, since the Comptroller Division does not process checks for the prior fiscal year <br />beyond that point. <br />Each reimbursement request must include a summary of expenses by type. These summaries should <br />be broken down into salaries, benefits, supplies, contractual services, etc. If Indian River County is <br />reimbursing an agency for only a portion of an expense (e.g. salary of an employee), then the method <br />for this portion should be disclosed on the summary. The Office of Management & Budget has <br />summary forms available. <br />Indian River County will not reimburse certain types of expenditures. These expenditure types are <br />listed below. <br />a. Travel expenses for travel outside the County including but not limited to; mileage reimbursement, <br />hotel rooms, meals, meal allowances, per Diem, and tolls. Mileage reimbursement for local travel <br />(within Indian River County) is allowable. <br />b. Sick or Vacation payments for employees. Since agencies may have various sick and vacation pay <br />policies, these must be provided from other sources. <br />c. Any expenses not associated with the provision of the program for which the County has awarded <br />funding. <br />d. Any expense not outlined in the agency's funding application. <br />The County reserves the right to decline reimbursement for any expense as deemed necessary." <br />
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