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company with the COUNTY and Contractor, conduct a site visit to determine if the <br />Work is substantially complete. Work will be considered substantially complete <br />following satisfactory completion of all items with the exception of those identified on <br />a final punch list. The CONSULTANT will conduct a final site visit to determine if the <br />completed Work of Contractor is generally in accordance with the Contract <br />Documents and the final punch list so that the PROFESSIONAL may recommend, in <br />writing, final payment to Contractor. Accompanying the recommendation for final <br />payment, the CONSULTANT shall also provide a notice that the Work is generally in <br />accordance with the Contract Documents to the best of the CONSULTANT's <br />knowledge, information, and belief based on the extent of its services and based upon <br />information provided to CONSULTANT upon which it is entitled to rely. <br />SCHEDULE <br />Upon authorization to proceed by the COUNTY, the services identified above are anticipated to <br />extend through the duration of project construction, which is estimated to be approximately 24 <br />months. <br />FEE SCHEDULE <br />We will provide these services in accordance with our Continuing Consulting Engineering <br />Services Agreement for Professional Services dated May 2"d, 2023 by and between INDIAN <br />RIVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (COUNTY) and Kimley-Horn and <br />Associates, Inc., (CONSULTANT): <br />Professional Services Fee <br />The basic compensation mutually agreed upon by the CONSULTANT and the <br />COUNTY is as follows: <br />Lump Sum <br />Task <br />Labor Fee <br />Task 1— Post Bid Plan Revisions $ 14,980 <br />Cost Plus Max <br />Task <br />Task 2 - Construction Phase Services $ 80,260 <br />