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Environmental Learning Center
Florida Inland Navigation District Project Agreement for Dock Replacement Part 2
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expenses will be eligible for reimbursement funding from the District, except for projects approved by the Board as multi-year <br />projects. The Board shall consider a waiver of the limitation on pre -agreement expenses for Small -Scale Derelict Vessel grants and <br />land acquisition projects when the applicant demonstrates a direct need and benefit and the project is in accordance with the <br />applicable provisions of Chapter 66B-2, F.A.C. <br />(4) Multi -Year Funding: The construction phase of projects that are large scale, involve multiple phases, have a construction <br />time line of one year or longer, or are requesting a significant amount of assistance funding in relation to the total assistance <br />available for the county where the project is located, will be reviewed and approved by the District Board for a multiple year period <br />subject to budgeting and allocation pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 200, F.S. The determination by the Board to provide <br />assistance funding on a multi-year basis can be made at any time during the application review process. All approved multi-year <br />projects are limited to a maximum of two (2) additional funding requests. <br />(5) Inlet Management and Beach Renourishment: Projects and project elements in the categories of inlet management and beach <br />renourishment shall be subject to the following provisions. The District shall contribute no more than fifty percent of the local share <br />of the cost of the project. The District shall not contribute funding to both the state and local shares of an inlet management or beach <br />renourishment project. Funding for the construction phase of an inlet management or beach renourishment project may be approved <br />by the District Board for a multiple year period subject to budgeting and allocation pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 200, F.S. <br />Additionally the following provisions shall be met for inlet management or beach renourishment projects: <br />(a) Inlet Management: Inlet management projects shall benefit public navigation within the District and shall be consistent with <br />Department of Environmental Protection approved inlet management plans and the statewide beach management plan pursuant to <br />Section 161.161, F.S. Prior to funding any inlet management project, the Board shall make a finding that the project is a benefit to <br />public navigation in the District. Inlet management projects that are determined to be consistent with Department of Environmental <br />Protection approved inlet management plans are declared to be a benefit to public navigation. <br />(b) Beach Renourishment: All projects in this category shall be consistent with the statewide beach management plan. Beach <br />renourishment projects shall only include those beaches that have been adversely impacted by navigation inlets, navigation <br />structures, navigation dredging, or a navigation project. Prior to funding any beach renourishment project, the Board shall make a <br />finding that the beaches to be nourished have been adversly impacted by navigation inlets, navigation structures, navigation <br />dredging or a navigation project. The determination of beach areas that are adversely impacted by navigation for the purposes of this <br />program shall be made by Department of Environmental Protection approved inlet management plans. If state funding is not <br />provided for a beach project, public access with adequate parking must be available in accordance with Chapter 161, F.S. <br />(6) Public Navigation: Projects or project elements in the category of public navigation that will qualify for up to seventy-five <br />percent (75%) program funds must be within the Intracoastal Right -of -Way (ROW), or provide public navigation channel access to <br />two or more publicly accessible launching, mooring or docking facilities. In addition, the following shall apply: <br />(a) Navigation channel dredging: The project sponsor must demonstrate that the source of channel sedimentation has been <br />identified and is in the process of, or has been controlled, or that the frequency and amount of shoaling is such that dredging will <br />provide an improvement to the channel that will last for twenty (20) years or more and therefore is more cost effective than <br />identifying and correcting the cause of shoaling, or that the cost of identifying the source of channel sedimentation exceeds the cost <br />of the dredging project. <br />(b) Navigation channel lighting and markers must be located on primary or secondary public navigation channels. <br />Navigation projects or project elements that have one facility open to the public will qualify for up to fifty percent (50%) program <br />funding. Dredging that is associated or ancillary to another use (such as a boat ramp, marina or pier) will be prioritized according to <br />the associated use. <br />(7) Land Acquisition: Land acquisition projects shall qualify for a maximum of fifty (50) percent funding. All pre -agreement <br />expenses for land acquisition must be completed within one-year of the date of application for funding. Except for acquisition of <br />publicly owned spoil disposal site, all funded land acquisition projects must construct the required boating access facility within 7 <br />years of completion of the land acquisition, or the District may require the applicant to refund the program funding. Immediately <br />upon acquiring title to the land, the applicant shall record a declaration of covenants in favor of the District stating that if the <br />required boating access facility is not constructed within 7 years and dedicated for the public use as a boating access facility in <br />perpetuity after completion of construction, the District shall require the applicant to refund the program funding. <br />(8) Seaport Funding Eligibility: Financial assistance to seaports may exceed the proportional share of the District's ad valorem <br />tax collections as set forth in subsection 66B-2.005(1), F.A.C., from the county in which such seaport is located if the seaport can <br />
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