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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final September 26, 2023 <br />Amendments for Increased Size Allowances for Accessory Structures on Large <br />Single -Family Parcels [Legislative] <br />Recommended Action: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners adopt the proposed <br />accessory structures LDR amendments. <br />Attachments: Staff Report <br />Draft Ordinance <br />County Administrator John Titkanich briefly summarized the item before turning it <br />over to Interim County Development Director Andy Sobczak. <br />Mr. Sobczak stated this item was brought forward for the Board's consideration <br />at their July 11, 2023, meeting. The proposal was to increase the size allowance <br />for accessory structures. To support the proposal, he displayed an aerial photo of <br />sample properties in the County where the owners had used up all their allowance <br />for accessory structures. <br />He offered the following for the Board's consideration: on larger parcels that were <br />one-half acre or larger, larger accessory structures could be appropriate if <br />allowed in a proportionate ratio to the parcel's size. For parcels one-half acre or <br />larger, staff developed the following ratios: 1) Parcels that were at least .5 acres, <br />but less than 1 acre in size - Cumulative total of accessory structures shall not <br />exceed 1.5 times the cumulative area of the principal structure; 2) Parcels that <br />were at least 1 acre in size, but less than 4.59 acres (200,000 square feet) - <br />Cumulative total of accessory structures shall not exceed 2 times the cumulative <br />area of the principal structure; 3) Parcels that exceed 4.59 acres (200,000 square <br />feet) - Cumulative total of accessory structures shall not exceed 3 times the <br />cumulative area of the principal structure. <br />Mr. Sobczak stated that on August 24th, 2023, it was presented to the Planning <br />and Zoning Commission (PZC) to consider an amendment to the Land <br />Development Regulation (LDR). The PZC voted 7-0 to recommend the Board <br />adopt the proposed LDR amendments. <br />The Chairman opened the public hearing for comments. There being none, the <br />Chairman closed the public hearing. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Flescher, seconded by Vice Chairman <br />Adams, to approve staffs recommendation and adopt Ordinance 2023-013, <br />amending Section 901.03 (definitions in alphabetical order) of Chapter 901 <br />(definitions), and Section 912.05(3) (accessory uses and structures) of Chapter <br />912 (single-family development), of the Code of Indian River County; <br />providing for conflict and severability; providing for codification; and <br />Indian River County Florida Page 13 <br />