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CORPORATE RESOLUTION <br />CLOSE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC. <br />- RESOLUTION GRANTING SIGNING AND AUTHORITY TO CONDUCT BUSINESS <br />WHEREAS, CLOSE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC. desires to grant signing and authority <br />to certain person(s) described hereunder. <br />RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors is hereby authorized and approved to grant signing and <br />authority to conduct business to any one of the following person(s): <br />THOMAS C. CLOSE <br />The foregoing signing and authority granted shall include, but shall not be limited to, the <br />execution of Deeds, powers of attorney, transfers, assignments, contracts, obligations, <br />certificates, and oilier instruments of whatever nature entered into by this company. <br />The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly elected and qualified Secretary and the <br />custodian of the books and records and seal of CLOSE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC, a <br />Limited Liability Company duly formed pursuant to the laws of the state of Florida and that the <br />foregoing is a true record of a resolution duly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors <br />and that said meeting was held in accordance with state law and the Bylaws of the above-named <br />Limited Liability Company on November 23, 2021, and that said resolution is now in full force <br />and effect Without modification or rescission. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed my name as Secretary and have hereunto affixed the <br />seal of the above-named Limited Liability Company this 23rd day of November, 2021. <br />MELISSA A. STONE, Secretary <br />t. <br />