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A <br />• <br />County Coastal Engineer and the CONSULTANT shall abide by the decision of the Public <br />Works Director of Indian River County, unless the decision is clearly arbitrary or <br />unreasonable. <br />SECTION X - OWNERSHIP AND REUSE OF DOCUMENTS <br />1. Ownership <br />All reports, plans, specifications, field books, survey information, maps, contract <br />documents, and other data developed by the CONSULTANT for the purpose of <br />this Agreement shall become the property of the COUNTY and shall be made <br />available by the CONSUI-1/,J1417 at any time upon request of the COUNTY. <br />When all work cont<.mr.':,: " under this Agreement is complete, all of the <br />above data shall be delivered fo the County Coastal Engineer. <br />2. Reuse of Documents <br />All documents, including but not limited to drawings, reports, and <br />specifications, prepared by the CONSULTANT pursuant to this Agreement are <br />related exclusively to the services described herein. Compensation will not be <br />required for reuse of the documents for any purpose by the COUNTY. The <br />CONSULTANT shall not be held liable for any reuse of the Documents and <br />shall not be held liable for any modifications made to the documents by others. <br />SECTION XI - NOTICES <br />Any notices, reports or other written communications from the CONSULTANT to the <br />COUNTY shall be considered delivered when posted by certified mail or delivered in person <br />to the County Coastal Engineer at 1840 25'h Street, Vero Beach, FL.. Any notices, reports or <br />other communications from the COUNTY totheCONSULTANT shall be considered delivered <br />when posted by certified mail to the CONSULTANT at Ecological Associates, Inc., P.O. pox <br />405, Jensen Beach, F1.34958-0405, or the last address left on file with the COUNTY or deliv- <br />ered in person to said CONSULTANT or his authorized representative. In person deliveries <br />shall be evidence by signed receipts. <br />SECTION Xli - TERMINATION <br />The obligation to provide further services under this Agreement may be terminated by <br />either party upon seven (y) days written notice in the event of substantial failure by the other <br />party to perform in accordance with the terms hereof through no fault of the terminating party. <br />In the event of any terminations, the CONSULTANT will be paid for all services rendered to <br />the date of termination, all expenses subject to reimbursement hereunder, and other <br />reasonable expenses incurred by the CONSULTANT as a result of such termination. <br />12 <br />