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DocuSign Envelope ID: 927DO328-CA93-46FB-A33E-35E863E9820E A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />OMB Approved No. 1505-0271 RYAN L. BUTLER, CLERK <br />Expiration Date: November 30, 2021 <br />4. Recipient acknowledges and agrees that compliance with the assurances constitutes a condition of continued <br />receipt of federal financial assistance and is binding upon Recipient and Recipient's successors, transferees, <br />and assignees for the period in which such assistance is provided. <br />5. Recipient acknowledges and agrees that it must require any sub -grantees, contractors, subcontractors, <br />successors, transferees, and assignees to comply with assurances 1-4 above, and agrees to incorporate the <br />following language in every contract or agreement subject to Title VI and its regulations between the <br />Recipient and the Recipient's sub -grantees, contractors, subcontractors, successors, transferees, and <br />assignees: <br />The sub -grantee, contractor, subcontractor, successor, transferee, and assignee shall comply with Title <br />VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits recipients of federal financial assistance from <br />excluding from a program or activity, denying benefits of, or otherwise discriminating against a person <br />on the basis of race, color, or national origin (42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq.), as implemented by the <br />Department of the Treasurys Title VI regulations, 31 CFR Part 22, which are herein incorporated by <br />reference and made a part of this contract (or agreement). Title VI also includes protection to persons <br />with "Limited English Proficiency " in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance, 42 <br />U.S. C. § 2000d et seq., as implemented by the Department of the Treasurys Title VI regulations, 31 <br />CFR Part 22, and herein incorporated by reference and made apart of this contract or agreement. <br />6. Recipient understands and agrees that if any real property or structure is provided or improved with the aid <br />of federal financial assistance by the Department of the Treasury, this assurance obligates the Recipient, or <br />in the case of a subsequent transfer, the transferee, for the period during which the real property or structure <br />is used for a purpose for which the federal financial assistance is extended or for another purpose involving <br />the provision of similar services or benefits. If any personal property is provided, this assurance obligates <br />the Recipient for the period during which it retains ownership or possession of the property. <br />7. Recipient shall cooperate in any enforcement or compliance review activities by the Department of the <br />Treasury of the aforementioned obligations. Enforcement may include investigation, arbitration, mediation, <br />litigation, and monitoring of any settlement agreements that may result from these actions. The Recipient <br />shall comply with information requests, on-site compliance reviews and reporting requirements. <br />8. Recipient shall maintain a complaint log and inform the Department of the Treasury of any complaints of <br />discrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, and limited English proficiency covered by <br />Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and implementing regulations and provide, upon request, a list of all <br />such reviews or proceedings based on the complaint, pending or completed, including outcome. Recipient <br />also must inform the Department of the Treasury if Recipient has received no complaints under Title VI. <br />9. Recipient must provide documentation of an administrative agency's or court's findings of non-compliance <br />of Title VI and efforts to address the non-compliance, including any voluntary compliance or other <br />