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40 <br />SCOPIC OF WORK <br />The AmbersandMabasso Reach Restoration Project shall be conducted in <br />accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under DEP Contract No. <br />98IR1, and will consist of the tasks described below. Indian River County <br />shall develop a detailed Scope of Work for each project: task. Written <br />authorization to initiate each task must be obtained from the Department of <br />Environmental Protection prior to the initiation of each task. <br />Feasibility Study <br />Conduct studies necessary to determine the feasibility of <br />implementing one or more beach restoration projects along the <br />critically eroding Atlantic ]leaches located in northern Indian <br />River County. Investigations shall include the following. <br />1.1 Environmental Assessment <br />Conduct environmental analyses of the project area located <br />between FDEP reference monuments R-1 and R-45, and between <br />R-1414 and R-107. The assessment shall identify potential <br />impacts to hardbottom and protected species habitat. <br />1.2 Sand Search Investigation <br />Conduct a sand search investigation to identify suitable <br />material for future beach restoration projects located in <br />Indian River County. The study shall encompass the entire <br />county and include the following; geological investigation, <br />sub -bottom mapping, sediment identification, core sampling <br />and sediment analysis, and geotechnical report. <br />1.3 Pre -engineering Design <br />Baser] on environmental and economic analyses, conduct <br />preliminary engineering design of potential beach <br />restoration projects. <br />II. Design and Permitting <br />Professional services required to facilitate acquisition or <br />modification of environmental permits necessary for the <br />construction of the project. Included in this item is the <br />establishment of an erosion control line. <br />III. Habitat Conservation Plan for Sea Turtle Protection <br />Pursuant to the interim Agreement and Memorandum of Agreement <br />between Indian River County and the State of Florida,conduct a <br />complete review of all existing documentation related to this <br />project; develop a Habitat Conservation Plan for sea turtle <br />protection within the Project limits; provide all NEPA-required <br />information required by the National Environmental Policy Act and <br />apply for an incidental take permit pursuant to Section 10 of the <br />Endangered Species Act from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. <br />Page 5 of 12 DEP Contract No. 98 -IRI, Amendment 2 <br />