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Emergency Management
Preparedness and Assistance Trust Fund and Purchase of Capital Equipment
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CI <br />Attachment A <br />C 2E OE WO K <br />Base Grant funding from the Emergency Management, Preparedness and Assistance Trust Fund is <br />intended to enhance county emergency management plans and programs that are consistent with the <br />State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and Program (reference Rule Chapters 9G-6 <br />and 7, F.A.C. and Chapter 252, : U. This Scope of Work recognizes that each county is at a <br />varying level of preparedness, and it is understood that each county has a unique geography, faces <br />unique ducats and hwrmis and serves a unique population. <br />In order to receive base grant binding, each county, must certify that it will use the award to enhance <br />its Emergency Managcment Program. <br />As a condition of mceiving funding pursuant to this Agreement, the County shall complete the work <br />items that fall between October 1, 199€9 and September 30, 2000. listed in the most recently revised <br />Five-year Strategic Plan, as approved by the Department. The revised 'Five-year Strategic Plan is <br />attached hereto as Attachment A-1. Subsequent revisions during the terns of this Agreement shall <br />be those submitted in writing by the County, approved by the Department. and on file in the <br />Division. The document evidencing the approved scope of work shall be the most recent Strategic <br />Plan for the County on file in the Division of Emergency Management, Bureau of Compliance <br />Platuting and Support, evidencing approval by Division stalf housed in Tallahassee. <br />As a further condition of receiving funding under this Agreement, the County sh", following full <br />or partial County Emergency operation Center activation at a level equivalent to a State <br />Emergency operation Center level three (3) or above during the period of this Agreement, then the <br />County shal€, within forty-five (45) days following the conclusion of the activation, evaluate .the <br />performance of all elements of the local emergency management program during that activation, <br />and provide a written after action report to the Department. <br />Funds may not be used for items such as door prizes and gifts. Flyers and promotional items to <br />promote the Lmergency Management Program are allowable. <br />Food and beverages may be purchased for Emergency Management personnel mid other personnel <br />only if the County Emergency Operation Center or field command office is in an activated status <br />and personnel receiving food/beverage are on duty at either of these locations. Purchases may be <br />made only under 1) An Executive Order issued by the Governor or 2) a. State of Emergency <br />appropriately declared by local officials in response to an emergency event or threat. <br />Within 60 slays of execution of this Agreement, the County shall provide copies of any new or <br />updated ordinances in effect which expressly address emergency management, disaster <br />preparedness, civil defense, disasters, emergencies or otherwise govern tate activation of the local <br />emergency management program provided in s.252.38, <br />12 <br />
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