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• <br />Contract #SD€09AA <br />Ili. PROJECT OBJECTIVES: <br />The Indian River County area of the Lagoon (from Sebastian Inlet to St. Lucie County) was <br />designated as Segment 3 in the Lagoon's characterization report produced by the IRL National <br />Estuary Program (NEP) in 1994. Segment 3, known as the South Central Indian River Lagoon <br />basin, is further divided into 23 sub -basins. The largest pollutant loadings in this segment are <br />contributed by the large basins than have been extended by ditching and major canal systems, as <br />has occurred in Vero Lakes Estates, where ditching has been connected to a crural system and the <br />south prong of the St. Sebastian River, Three Chapter 298 districts exist within [his segment. <br />They are Fellstncre Farms (FFWCD), Sebastian River (SRW'+CD) and Indian River Farms <br />(IRFWCD) water control districts. "these three districts are varied in land use and drainage <br />characteristics, The highest loadings in lire South Central Indian River Lagoon segment occur in <br />IRFWCD's sub -basins are due to the characteristics of this urban built -out area which utilizes <br />extensive ditching and canal systems for drainage to the iRL. When compared to other segments <br />throughout the IRL region, it was calculated abut Segment 3, specifically the IRFWCD and <br />SRWCD are among tire highest area loading rates for the estuary. These high loadings are <br />attributed to the intense agricultural uses or the combinations of urban and agricultural <br />development in the area. <br />The effects to [he IRL and the St. Sebastian River. from the IRFWCD discharges are obvious, as <br />salinity values drop to about 26.0 ppl. near the Vero North, Main and South Canal outfalls. This <br />part of the Lagoon has a small surface arca, so evaporation is reduced as well. Another example <br />of the effect of the freshwater discharge into this segment is color. Wet season color values tare <br />higher than dry season values by a factor of 3, indicating discharge of colored, tannin -laden <br />waiters during wet season stormwater and groundwater flow. Total phosphorus values around the <br />three Vero canal discharge points (South, Main and North canals), as well its at the St. Sebastian. <br />River, the Fellsmere Canal and C-54, are substantially higher than elsewhere in the Lagoon. <br />Total Kjeldahl nitrogen is also elevated in this portion of the Lagoon between Wabaasso and Vero <br />Beach, indicating that this entire segment of the Lagoon may be affected by discharges from the <br />Sebastian River and the Indian River 'Farms Water Control Districts. <br />Activities proposed in COUNTY'S Surface Water Management Plan are expected to reduce <br />solids, sediments, organic matter, fresh water and nutrients discharged from. COUN`l'Y's <br />stormwater systems. These actions will influence Lagoon trends in a positive direction. To date, <br />Pollutant Load Reduction Goals (PLRGs) have not been established for Ilse COUNTY area or for <br />other waters in tine vicinity. <br />In November 1992, COUNTY completed its Master Stormwater Management Plan for Vero <br />Lakes Estates. This plan identified the problems at the subdivision and suggested several <br />technical objectives to resolving the identified problems. <br />The problem at Vero Lakes Estates is relatively easy to define. The Master Plan conveyed that <br />the subdivision does not have adequaatc stormwater treatment and drainage. The identified <br />drainage and water quality problems are caused by: <br />• Inadequate drainage for alae subdivision as the result of a combination of low original design <br />capacity and subsequent reduction of that capacity through lack of maintenance. <br />f'agc 10 o1- 25 <br />
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