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CONTRACT MODIFICATION #2 <br />ADDITIONAL LMS PLANNING SERVICES PROPOSAL <br />FOR <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />I. General Program Assistance. Provide Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) program <br />support services to the Department of Emergency Services (DES), as needed. Services to <br />be providdd include: assisting DES; organize and conduct Wolking Group and/or <br />subcommittee meetings; presenting specific agenda items regarding program activities; <br />serving as a "sounding board" for ideas; providing graphic support; mid providing <br />technical advice regarding ArcView software and TAGS products. <br />Deliverables: Organizing and conducting necessary meetings of the Working Group, <br />Prepare a memorandum documenting technical consulting services <br />provided to the DES. <br />2. Grants As ' sistance. Work to implement the highest priority_ projects listed in the <br />adopted Indian River County LMS Project Prioritization List (PPL), 'I'lic initial step Not <br />In consulting with DES and members of the Working Group to select two (2) projects on <br />the PPL for which grant applications will be prepared. Services to be provided in <br />preparing the applications include: meeting with grant applicants and DES staff, <br />reviewing grant opportunities, selecting the specific grant programs to be pursued, <br />acquiring all needed application materials from the funding agencies, working with the <br />applicants in designing their project proposal, conferring with and securing needed data <br />from all appropriate municipal/county agencies, and other grant matters that may arise <br />during the preparation of the application. <br />Deliverable Preparation ofTWO grant applications. <br />Private Sector Involvement. Create viable, functioning involvement of community <br />businesses and non-profit organi7ultions in the LMS program, Initially, work with the <br />DES staff and members of the business community/non-profits that serve oil the LMS <br />Working Group to identify a diverse group of individuals that represent a broad cross- <br />section of the private sector that are interested serving on an ad hoc LMS private sector <br />committee. With the list established, personal contact with each, on aoile-on-one basis <br />would be conducted to explain the LMS program and the importance of private sector <br />involvement. <br />'File next step will be convening the subcommittee. Under this contract, two meetings <br />will be field. Initial tasks will be defining the mission of the subcommittee and <br />developing an "action" program of activities to be completed by, September 30, 2000. <br />The activities will focus on those activities that will raise public awareness of the <br />importance hazard rilitipation, to businesses, and assist them in preparing for such events. <br />