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Treasure Coast Planning Council
Indian River Co Unified Mitigation Stratergy for IRC
Support Svcs to Dept of Emergency Services
Fellsmere Town of Orchid VBC
Town of Indian River Shores Sebastian
Program Oversight ESD; Complied by Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council
Continental Shelf Associates, Inc. Filed in Office Bookcase
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CONTRACT MODIFICATION #2 <br />ADDITIONAL LMS PLANNING SERVICES PROPOSAL <br />FOR <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />I. General Program Assistance. Provide Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) program <br />support services to the Department of Emergency Services (DES), as needed. Services to <br />be providdd include: assisting DES; organize and conduct Wolking Group and/or <br />subcommittee meetings; presenting specific agenda items regarding program activities; <br />serving as a "sounding board" for ideas; providing graphic support; mid providing <br />technical advice regarding ArcView software and TAGS products. <br />Deliverables: Organizing and conducting necessary meetings of the Working Group, <br />Prepare a memorandum documenting technical consulting services <br />provided to the DES. <br />2. Grants As ' sistance. Work to implement the highest priority_ projects listed in the <br />adopted Indian River County LMS Project Prioritization List (PPL), 'I'lic initial step Not <br />In consulting with DES and members of the Working Group to select two (2) projects on <br />the PPL for which grant applications will be prepared. Services to be provided in <br />preparing the applications include: meeting with grant applicants and DES staff, <br />reviewing grant opportunities, selecting the specific grant programs to be pursued, <br />acquiring all needed application materials from the funding agencies, working with the <br />applicants in designing their project proposal, conferring with and securing needed data <br />from all appropriate municipal/county agencies, and other grant matters that may arise <br />during the preparation of the application. <br />Deliverable Preparation ofTWO grant applications. <br />Private Sector Involvement. Create viable, functioning involvement of community <br />businesses and non-profit organi7ultions in the LMS program, Initially, work with the <br />DES staff and members of the business community/non-profits that serve oil the LMS <br />Working Group to identify a diverse group of individuals that represent a broad cross- <br />section of the private sector that are interested serving on an ad hoc LMS private sector <br />committee. With the list established, personal contact with each, on aoile-on-one basis <br />would be conducted to explain the LMS program and the importance of private sector <br />involvement. <br />'File next step will be convening the subcommittee. Under this contract, two meetings <br />will be field. Initial tasks will be defining the mission of the subcommittee and <br />developing an "action" program of activities to be completed by, September 30, 2000. <br />The activities will focus on those activities that will raise public awareness of the <br />importance hazard rilitipation, to businesses, and assist them in preparing for such events. <br />
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