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• <br />Deliverables; The creation of an ad hoc LMS Private Sector Subcommittee comprised <br />of key individuals in the business community. <br />An "Action Plan" of activities to be accomplished by September 30, <br />2000. <br />4. hazard Mitigation Retrofit Program. Explore the potential and feasibility of <br />establishing a county -wide hazard mitigation retrofit program in Indian River County <br />which should include evacuation shelters. Tasks to be undertaken include: assisting ilte <br />DES staff, organize a technical advisory conunittee {TAC} comprised of individuals from <br />both, private and public sectors; investigating other sinnilar-type programs, inventorying <br />existing local retrofit -type programs, quantify potential need for such a program, (if <br />possible - define need by income level), estimate unmet need, define who should <br />administer the program, if created; describe obstacles to establishing a retrofit program. <br />Based on the information and data collected, and ideas and opinions of the technical <br />advisory committee members, develop a conceptual idea of the program. Through an <br />iterative process with the technical advisory committee, keep refuting and modifying the <br />original concept until there is widespread agreement among the TAC members. Once the <br />TAC agrees to the farm of the program, the new program will be presented to the <br />Working Group for concurrence. Finally, the proposed program would be presented to <br />die Cowtty Commission for approval to implement. <br />Deliverable-, A report documenting the proposed hazard mitigation retrofit program. <br />BUDGET <br />SERVICES TOTAL <br />+ Program Administrative Support $ 4,000 <br />• Grant Assistance 10,750 <br />• Private Sector Support 4,363 <br />• Hazard Mitigation Retrofit Program Design_ 8 300 <br />TOTAL COSTS $27,413 <br />