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E-1 <br />or replaced in order to provide for the continuation of the License Agreement(s) and/or <br />operation of the radio system. The costs to reconstruct portions of the Primary Route in order <br />to accommodate third parties under a License Agreement and/or restore operation of the 800 <br />MHz radio system, shall be shared in the same proportions as the original construction <br />expenses were shared for the affected sections, unless otherwise determined by the TAC. <br />Should the NETWORK sustain damage to an Auxiliary Route used only by one or two <br />members of the CONSORTIUM, those members shall determine if the line will he repaired or <br />replaced, recognizing the need for unanimous agreement when more than one member is <br />involved and cost sharing is desired. <br />SECTION 19. Contributions by Members <br />In order to make the NETWORK a financially feasible project, members of the <br />CONSORTIUM recognize the need to provide certain existing infrastructure and assets for <br />use by the NETWORK without charge. Assets shall include, but not he limited to, utility poles <br />owned by the City, conduit crossing various roadways owned by the County, and right-of-way <br />owned and maintained by the City and County. In addition to the infrastructure offered by the <br />City and County, where such use would not adversely affect the School District's equipment <br />and network performance, the School District will allow the use of its Lucent G3 Intuity Switch <br />for signal transport by the City and County, free of charge and for an indefinite time period. <br />For any agreement reached under this paragraph relating to the Lucent G3 Intuity Switch, the <br />City and County would also be responsible for the provision of the appropriate edge device <br />for signal input, Examples of this could be for the carriage of video signals for the <br />Government Information Channel or some data link to the Sheriff's Department for the <br />Resource Officers located at the schools. <br />Infrastructure owned by a single member of the CONSORTIUM prior to the execution of this <br />Agreement shall, under no circumstances, become joint property owned by the <br />CONSORTIUM, or any of its members collectively. <br />SECTION 20. Term and Termination <br />This Agreement shall be in effect for one (1) year from the date hereof and shall automatically <br />be renewed for successive one (1) year terms unless a member of the CONSORTIUM gives <br />one -hundred twenty (120) days notice of its intent to withdraw from the Agreement. Such <br />notice of intent shall be made in writing and shall be served on the remaining members in <br />accordance with the Notice provision of this Agreement. <br />Upon withdrawal from this Agreement by a member of the CONSORTIUM, the remaining <br />members shall have the option to purchase the withdrawing member's interest in the <br />NETWORK at its depreciated value, and upon such terms as may be negotiated at the time <br />of withdrawal. In the event that one member of the CONSORTIUM withdraws from the <br />Agreement, the remaining members in the CONSORTIUM shall nonetheless observe its full <br />force and effect, with the exception that if the City withdraws from this Agreement, all of the <br />Joint Fiber Optics Pfoioct - interfoca4 Agreement <br />Pale 12 of 18 <br />