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Ron DeSantis, Governor <br />/I 1 RUC %lur i <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />RYAN L.. BUTLER, CLERK <br />Kevin Guthrie, Executive Director <br />Resource Support Agreement (RSA) Form, available via the Division approved documents <br />SharePoint site'. <br />A. A description of the Mission to be performed by the Assisting Party; <br />B. A description of the resources and capabilities needed to complete the Mission <br />successfully; <br />C. The location, date, and time personnel and resources from the Assisting Party should <br />arrive at the incident site, staging area, facility, or other location designated by the <br />Requesting Party; <br />D. A description of the health, safety, and working conditions expected for deploying <br />personnel; <br />E. Lodging and meal availability; <br />F. Any logistical requirements; <br />G. A description of any location or facility outside the territorial jurisdiction of the <br />Requesting Party needed to stage incoming resources and personnel; <br />H. The location date, and time for personnel of the Requesting Party to meet and receive <br />the personnel and equipment of the Assisting Party; and <br />I. A technical description of any communications equipment needed to ensure effective <br />information sharing between the Requesting Party, any Assisting Parties, and all <br />relevant responding entities. <br />ARTICLE V: RESPONSIBILITIES OF ASSISTING PARTIES <br />Each Party shall render assistance under this Agreement to any Requesting Party to the extent <br />practicable that its personnel, equipment, resources, and capabilities can render assistance. If <br />upon receiving a request for assistance under this Agreement a Party determines that it has the <br />capacity to render some or all of such assistance, it shall provide the following information without <br />delay to the Requesting Party, the Division, and the Assisting Party's County emergency <br />management agency. In providing such information, the Assisting Party should utilize the Section <br />II of the Resource Support Agreement (RSA) Form, available via the Division approved <br />documents SharePoint site. <br />' FDEM approved documents such as activity logs and mutual aid forms can be found at: <br /> / 2D4BE2%2DB809 / 2DC8009D70068 <br />6%7D <br />D I V I S 1 0 N H E A D Q U A R T E R S Telephone: 850-815-4000 STATE LOGISTICS RESPONSE CENTER <br />2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard 2702 Directors Row <br />Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Orlando. FL 32809-5631 <br />