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40 <br />The Recipient must notify the FCT as to any change in the authorization of the key <br />contact on behalf of the Recipient named above. This notification must be made in writing to the <br />Executive Director and signed by the appropriate local government employee, official or <br />authorized representative named in paragraph M3. below. <br />14. This Agreement may be amended at any time prior to FCT giving project plan <br />approval to the Recipient. Any amendment must be set forth in a written instrument and agreed <br />to by both the Recipient and FCT. Such amendments shall become a part of this Agreement. <br />II. AFFIRMATIONS, ANNUAL REPORT, AUTHORIZED EXECUTOR AND <br />FEDERAL EMPLOYEE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER <br />By execution of this Agreement, the Recipient affirms that: <br />1. the Recipient reaffirms the representations made in FCT application number <br />99-056-P9A; <br />2. the Recipient shall, on the anniversary date of the approval of the project plan by <br />the FCT Governing Body, prepare and submit to FCT an annual report as required by Rule <br />9K-4.013, F.A.C.; <br />3. the Recipient authorizes local government employee, official or authorized <br />representative named in this paragraph to execute all documents in connection with this project <br />on behalf of the Recipient, including but not limited to the Conceptual Approval Agreement or <br />any addenda thereto, grant reconciliation statement, statements submitted as a part of the project <br />plan, and Grant Award Agreement pursuant to Rule 9K-6.014(6), F.A.C.; <br />Name: JAMES E. CHANDLER <br />Title: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR <br />Address: INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, 1840 25TH STREET <br />VERO BEACH, FL 32960 <br />Phone: 561/567-8000, X. 1408 Fax: 561/770-5095 <br />The Recipient must notify the FCT as to any change in the authorization of the key <br />contact on behalf of the Recipient named above. This notification must be made in writing to the <br />Executive Director ant signed by the appropriate local government employee, official or <br />authorized representative. <br />Funded/Preacquired/99-056-P9A <br />11/30/1999 <br />FINAL <br />