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<br />i. this CONTINUOUS PREVENTATIVE P1AINTENANCE AGREEMENT snat nzi aum,, •r, •eca •a. r'.. nacessar. t . ac:..�c•• ms�ae
<br />abuse. neglect theft,, vandalism. electrical power ratiule, water, acts of Goo, or other casuai:y o, ID repairs made e5s3'y b- ser�;ee
<br />ce,!ormed by personnel other than E.G P Inc EYceedlno manatacnuers recommeroed volume hm„ancr< vo;^'r'r s;:ee•ner:
<br />Th,s ecum-nen' sna:: be nogg rner: nanit;a: rn.^... :nom .ate c' :.or:r .,nr. - . - a ag.x-':,.,e., a,• Sete• .._, b, ' in:
<br />and ils tecrimciara
<br />3 E G P. ins wlh provide lrsoccucns at acorcornaie •nter-,a;s. lnspecrons ma; bE mac_ in c::n;uncr.or v...n eme. ercv service calls
<br />Emergency service calls veil tie mace eurt:a rmoulal uas ness nour:. a: n;; mare
<br />t This Aareement Is riot ass;gnable and is automatica'ry cancelied wn!n resee:' !c ..._ L'r:. Jle r ;acnine at culd the equipment It cove: s I--
<br />sold
<br />esold to a thlra party
<br />m the evert the equipment is movea out of E G P, ur 'c .: rmel service area. E in: grey haje the light tot tm. ately terminate
<br />this Agreement and cease all future service on the equ:umen•
<br />E Excluded from this Agreemer: are modifications to the egulo•nent anti overna7:,=
<br />Ser:._: nz im - M.,._ , m ou -nga;. - : _ c = P...n, v:6' ce gsca on the fo;tow;: _ ha;:ay: rte:. ,ear s Da;
<br />m.... -_cera;e E Pi's noss.. !ne to..; , . _ . --;r. !0I, •
<br />Drums replaced as a resuft of normal use :r2 ce rcu .=J a! nc charne The I'diowing conditions would be the exception
<br />Replacement of abused drums will be cnaroed at :uti :, .ce E.:amnl=r cr r -a:: a arum can be abused are listed below
<br />Touching of the drun: wi!n finoom o: erre !are as colee:
<br />Use of supplies Wn.e, tnan inose recocmc ,__; c a , roc„ _
<br />Allowing machine to be used t1 an en: 3; over 1a:j cegreea
<br />Fahrenheit or othervtsa _omrarn tc mL3-•..ac _ •.ver.-. recvn-.ma,.::a:,_:-r_
<br />'. his Aareement contains the e.n.!lre understanaing, ap,ecr:r--*. ar1::r:5r'..=-`- .. - .z ar.(, mr �;ustomer ana each agrees that
<br />no representation, warranty or covenant was made by er on behalf of the otne• !not rc' :..r!mned n the -creemen.' and that In
<br />entering into this Agreement neither party reitec upon or% reoresen!atior warm^,;! c• :.a: char.• nz;* Fex;r. con•aner.
<br />10. Handwritten provisions inserted into this Aareement and typewritten provisions initiated by both barty9s shall control over the typewritten
<br />provisions in conflict therewith.
<br />11 This Agreement shall be governed by, and mterpreteo ara enforced In accordance ml- the lay.,� of the State of F;wlua
<br />12 If any legal action or other proceeding or action is brought tot the enforcement of incl .aroeme^' or because o: an al ecied dispute,
<br />breach, default, or misrepresentation in connection with any provision of this Aareement, the successful or prevailtnq party or parties
<br />shall be entitled to recover reasonable attomeVs tees court costs. and all other expenses. even if not taxable -court costs (including.
<br />without limitation. all such fees, costs and er.Den,—!. incicen' to arbttral,w' aabela :,:, .:. 8• [' r_: ,ar.^mer,! nra:eeo;ec;
<br />incurred in that action or proceeding or any aobea In addition to any other rete' w W,- n !n:: tar: w cavies may us entitle::
<br />Furthermore. the Customer agrees to pay all costa of collection mcivatm reasonavi- anorna, c > e v,ne!nr. sua be o:ougn, a• nc,
<br />incurred by E.G.P.. Inc.. in collecting any past due balances or recovering any eouinmc
<br />; 5. Customer's exclusive remedy and E.G.R. Inc 's ertifc liabitR,v to contract. for, or otnervasc e. be 10 make at, r.eca; +a:; reoa,r; to rhe
<br />Equipment to keep the Equipment in good operating condition in no event shall E.G F . nc be irble tr,• anv inditec! special o:
<br />consequential damages arising from the Agreement or the use of the Equipment or am; nervi::=. r.' ,:,r.=_7 unser Iniz Agreement
<br />14. In the event the Agreement is terminated prior to the end of the Agreement term. eithe r; r r ^ er cr oy E.G c Inc as a rest” c!
<br />a Customer default. the Customer shalt nonetneless be obligated to pay E G r' Ire a.. amour r. ns: tr• the balance c! the A3reem =n•
<br />term- These amounts shall be acceteratea and uecame due and oavaote tmmeq:a1e,t rc s..-
<br />