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State of Florida Department of Community Afairs
Florida Communities Trust
Addendum XI Conceptual Approval Agreement FCT/Extension for Cost-Share
Agreement for Purchase of Lost Tree Islands
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40 <br />El <br />40 <br />CON"CRAG"' # 94 -(:'F -R3 -93 -3A -A I -(F01 FLORIDA COMMUNITIES TRUST <br />113AAWARD#93-MI-113A <br />ADDENDUM XI TO CONCE F'TUAL APPROVAL ACREE:MENT <br />THIS ADDENDUM XI to the Conceptual Approval Agreement v, entered into by and between <br />the FLORIDA COMMUNrnf:S TRUST ("FCT"). a nonregulatory agency within the. State of Florida <br />Department of Community Affairs and INDIAN RIVER COUNTI' a political sub<hvtston of the State <br />of Florida and the cri Y OF VF:RO BEACH. and the'UOWN OF INDIAN RIVF,R SHORES, <br />municipalities within the State of Florida ("FCT' Recipient"), thrs day of <br />WHEREAS, the partie i hereto entered into a Conceptual Approval Agreement which sets forth <br />the conditions of conceptual approval that must be satisfied by F(T Recipient prior to the receipt of the <br />FCT' Preservation 2(Xl0 ;sward and the restrictions that arc imposed on the Protect Site sub,,cquent to its <br />acquisition with the FCT I're•,crvation 2000 award: <br />WI IFRE'AS, the initial term of the Conceptual Approval Agreement expired December 4, 1994; <br />WHEREAS, the Conceptual Approval Agreement was amended by ADDENDI tit i to expire <br />June 4, 1995, by AOI)I:NI)IJM II to expire December 4, 1995, by ADDD:ND(.rM III to expire June 4, <br />1996, by ADDI:NIMIM IV to expire December 4, 1996, by ADDENDUM V to exprrt• June 4. 1997, by <br />ADDENDI JM VI to expire Decemt-o•r •1, 1997, by ADDENDUM VU to expire lune 4, 1998. by <br />ADDEND( IM VIII to expire Deccrnhcr 4, 1998, by ADDENDUM IX to expire lune d, 1994), and by <br />ADDI.NI)I IM X to expire Decernher 4. 199% <br />WIII:RI:AS, the FCT Recipient to accordance tvtth GENERAL ('ONDI I IONS paragraph 2 of <br />the Conceptual Approval Agreement and in compliance with Rule 9K -4.010(2)(k). F.A.C. has timely <br />submitted to 1:("I' a written request for extension of the December -1, 1911), deadime; <br />WHEREAS, (iI:NE:Rr1l, CONDI HUNS paragraph 10 of the Cmiccpural Approval Agreement <br />states that the agreement rnay be amended at any time prior to H' I' giving final protect plan approval to <br />the FCT Recipient. Any agreement must be set torch in a wnncn instrument and agreed to by both the <br />FCT Recipient and FCT; <br />WIIF.RFAS, the panics hereto desi:c 11, cacnd the tour of tine Conceptual Approval Agreement <br />as provided by AS, <br />9K-4.010(2)(k), F.A.C.; <br />NOW THEREFORE, the FCT and FCT RECIPIENT mortally agrce ; s follot <br />1. Notwithstanding the language of Section I. GENERAL CONDITIONS, paragraph <br />2. and paragraph 10., the parties hereby agree to revive it nunc pro tuns: as though it had not lapsed in <br />accordance with paragraph 2. <br />2. In every respect, this amendment is to be construed and applied as though the parties had <br />both signed it before December 4, 1999. <br />ADD XI/93-001-P3A <br />11-30-99 <br />
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