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<br />X1 ASSiCNABRM:(CHECKONLY ONE):Buyer ❑ rinoyassigi And thereby be released from any further liability under this Contradj:] naysuign
<br />butnot be released from liability under this Contract; orDi< maynotassiglthis Contrail.
<br />(s)Radon iaanaturally occurring radioactive gas thatiatien accumulated in abuildingin sutrarnt quanldieanaypresenthea!th riskstopersons who are
<br />exposedto hover time. Levels ofradon that exceed federal and stategtidelines havebeal found in buildinpin Florida. Additional information regarding
<br />Radon or Radon tstingmaybeobubtedf}omyourCountyPublicHeahhunit.
<br />(b) Hoyer mayhnedetermined the energy efficiency ratngofthe residential building ifmyis located on the Real Property.
<br />(c) lfthe Rat Property includes pre -1978 residential housing then Paragraph X (h) is mandatory.
<br />Xn1 MAXIMUM REPAIRCXAST& Seller shall not bereaponsible for the payment ofmtsnexams of.
<br />(a)$ ___N/A.__ fortreatment and repair under Standard D (ifblank, then 2s•: of the Purchavc Moe).
<br />(b)S ____MIA__ for repair and iephamcnl under Standard N(ifbfnk, then 7"e oft)tc 1'ur hAw 1'na)
<br />XIV, SPFAULCIAUSF,S: Ifadditionalgeaisrequired, attah addendum and CHECK IWRE (-I .
<br />Approval doe) not ennnitufe ar opinion thta any ofthe fermis and conddron tin th if f •orrb.:r should he azrpred by the garnet in a ranmilar"$ on•: n
<br />Terms mid mndllranrahoPld negmlded hare4, upon therriwiw inrztent • eeetwt rmd h n zlim,tu nr n/arnnrerr 'ad pf Trani
<br />(fiu)er) tart �. f18I1)5, Chai>®aa(IMe) (.,Iter) Torr st H. Durrett, Co -TR (Date)
<br />SocialSoauayorTaxl.D.a .D�..oS..Co.Coroniaalon SooalS< ynr really : r631isU�
<br />(Player) William H. Hapio�RFA .",Pis (I nit (U)`a) William Z. Connelly, Co -TR (t)ate)
<br />Snti•ISesurdyor'1asLUa _Right-,f-Way.Agent fnsid)4su,+,"t 1,, 11) 64-4jvlys-op
<br />Ikpnsilundcr P—rrnph 11 0) 11 01 HUR TIIANCASII. "r1RK SI'rlR747-T )(i 1 AP V-1 1 rl v.s • nr l)
<br />11ROKER'S I l:l;: 1h: hrokns n#—,l bc{•,w, nJuliet glungadaaperongbrokers. remain: only lar-luorsamsdodtoaan cnodsoa o ssnnedana nsth Ilya
<br />C.mtrad:
<br />Nine
<br />c', a mos Bows.
<br />'°'r t6
<br />STANDAR 1)v Irrt; RlALPAIAI►.lRv`vvv(7k2Psslt
<br />A. F.vidrau oft tale: (1) An ibvad of leprepared of brow fit merestt by s ropaubk adcOtlegatind Armidea alrngllaa gfftdW err sorted by in
<br />exien g firm) p urpon n g l„ he an sears synopsis of6s n otrunsata afmaagiakso Dae Red Faoperty reardad a Ora public remedy of cite musty Meson the
<br />R eel Ptnp,"y is muted th tough EAlmano Date, R oballso oessom vials the earherpubberecaeda a, aas& Ire dare as am) list o•roamry a The manly Upon
<br />dosing orthi.contracf,it,.•h4adabanhemmrthe Property ofllryse.ob7adtoThe tsgaofreatontbaeofby bra»ndgnunWtLRypa.s (1) Attk
<br />nsursn,,c *aadsgeflbrdrrdbofbaye.aosradspobhoflak moolan,r
<br />nth a amount o I the porch amp rive, nsurngBayea's tale to d)a Read Prapasly, arbyed catty Is bests, mAanflomak saapUnassof quak6o4ons pro nded n this
<br />C•onimi and thore to be disd,nged by Ssilar ■ or bdora domm& geller thou aarveyravlalalsk lata srbrris a hyla hasp msLadrasaA •,aptroras or yuahfi.at-
<br />inns provided in this Comtaa Muknrbto tali Aall be ddisommd according to applicable fate 21midarda adopted by aadaorty of Me !bids Rat and an soanrd-
<br />on. with law. Hoyer shall have N) day+, d'abrract, or )Gays. rf IW mrraaamnt tomdesa aftaaeveg a+dana aftW u raanuta • Iftalk to found deWisse,
<br />liuya piholl wilhn l dxyt thereegcr, no ily Ssllo -n wan gspewtryesgrbealefeats) If defntl+)redo tale hnansrAesabk. !klin watl haw tl)days limn Tarsal of
<br />nofiuL to remrv.•the J,Icw, lii!mgcolthh 1W , 11)
<br />extending theunr for A rearmable period not to erased 130darwahan shkh %ttlo sr.B rue drbgtnt etbn m remove thcdeLrd•,. nr(2)rcyuednga r,harJ of
<br />dopond(s)paid 4id, d,all hennrdiatclyreturned bBayer.IfBkgwfoabtason-Adyfellow. Buyoohm" be deemed tobova/arptdthe tak"athen to Sella
<br />shall, iftaleisFoundunrarkdable,UMdllim;nrltdkrttoarndde"(s)wMnthe limrprovided lberefoe Ifft0asoanshktotarrFyarredthe defcda,Buyer
<br />alt all either Waite thc dcfrda, or ren:ive a refund ofdeposga), thereby rekssng Buyer and gene Rom all 11rMe obbgalwn undo lbs Contrast
<br />Il Purdrsw Money Mortgage; Security A In Tin rot in Seller. A purchase, mrKhey mortgagt and mortgage note to Selke sbsll provide for a We-, gr aur per eod in
<br />the evetit ofdefault its lint nwngagr rad a 1)day gran per iod Ja urr:nd or levan rn:agag• abailprovide I,rr n�ht alprapaymmf n vshok or n part welt rsut
<br />penalty, shall pan,il aarlaatimt in event oftransfer ofthe Real Property, ill all recluue Al pri,4 hma rad mdsaiarnmtu he kept in grand o ndngnd finhiel
<br />msdifiations ufnr Prior, advsn,rs under prior m>ngage{e), •h •Il require tihayar In rant•i, p„Ih.ies of nwrohvra:ntannga auhdu4 rrortpgrr dsusacovang
<br />all i rproverhwrhta Inured cr the Real Iropaty aFpnh rite and all paha included within the tam "rWndd mreraga mdorsensmu' and sudt other risks and
<br />pails as Sclla may reawmable require, in an am,unt equal to their hided insurable "for, rad the mmrlpgp, nate and searayagraemenl shall be otherAise in
<br />form and content requ•lid by Sella; but Seller mayon!yrequire dausm and coverage woprarity found in mm oripgn, srrnpgenotes and sofurdy agreements
<br />Dal aAlly tali( i ad!, ys,,'.•in l;. and !u:m i.::ithill i nn .•r -Iso— r :;; . b•.a✓rd i- the a r::,.,!y•.si.,rcis the Hc.1 rrol erty r.. in.atd. nu r.,x.na trnperty and
<br />leave being ounvayeJ or wig,ed will, at Seller's option, besubjess to the lien of a anasray aryeernnt nidmmd by re rdd Anndngdmd m ii%. If a balloon
<br />irc:tgop, the tin of payin Tit will craned the per iod is payments thereon.
<br />C. Survey: Hoyer, at 1Myee o expense, "Min time allowed to deliver evidm m of til le and to cumin c same, nu) h ave the Real Property sutvwyed and ratified by
<br />A re(gdad Florida stlrvtyroe. !flF.e stuvYv di•J:,�e,;maoa,h n,er d:, ret the. Rcnl Prop,(ty c•r d, n! m},in,v ..l..•int. i.,,:,; r.)th:rsan n,.a uaafh o,: xiba,k
<br />inmu, Inds ofothere or violate an ralridiona, Contract coven onto or applicable g,vemmmtal regulation, the same stall wndinat s title defect.
<br />D. Tendsrs: Buyer, at fAtyer'a :xpmse, within the time allowed to deliver eviimm oftitle, n ovilave the P-perty nTeded by a Florida Certified PcA ('ontrul
<br />Operator ("Operator") to determine iflhae is any visible adive termite inf•Hrlian or vi"ihle danurt.• h„r, lc, mite n,IcJ sl ion in the Roperty If,Ahcr tar both Are
<br />found, Myer shallhaveAdayslicamdateofwrittennotice thefcol' ithinvshidrtohavewaollraatrneml,ifrequired,ctinatedbytheOp"Alorandalldamawut-
<br />spoutd and eatnatdbyalitmsedbuildtrorWxtaalcontrAdor.Sellershallpaywiidousts oftreatmadand repair ofalldamatr:Lip l0die amount provided in
<br />rarad:ph X111(:). Ifc.tinw j -u. .—d dist amount, buyer shall ha ethe option ofaa iaingthis Cuntrad within S days after retripl of vunlrador's repair
<br />estimate by Ovingwritien notiocto Seller or Myer mAycWtoprocced witlithe transaction, and rcAxiNr a credit at doimgon the amount provided in Paragraph
<br />Xill(a),'rermhes"shall be deemed to include all wood dcAroyingorg nkrmxrequird to be reported under the Florida fest Control Ad, as Anwmded.
<br />F In(!rns and Fgrrss: Seller v,-Aeranls sod r:;treienls that there i, inr),sa and cgrcavtu the Real iropenysulliescnt fns ns intended use as described in Paragraph
<br />VII hereof, t tleto which is in accordance with Standard A.
<br />F. IRae: S.IIer f11all,nol ICr.9thP_n IS days before doom g, fUn11Al1 I0 Myer Q)Ihie9 OfaII wTlllln I6riers and CV Opp CI IAICi ; ,rrnim ca.ih tcn:vnt :;t eifyia gU„ n arc
<br />and duration ofth c tcn ant's ooLup an cy, rental ralics, advartird rent and security dep osks paid by tenani. I f8clict is tin ible to obtain such letter from each tenant,
<br />the same information shall be film i!hd by Seller to Myer within ill at time period in the form of n Seller's affidavit, and Mer may th ereafter contact tenants to
<br />wnfirmsuch information. Seller shall, atdosin deliver and assigoall original leases toBuyer.
<br />G. Ilea: Seller shall fumish to (Myer attime ofdosng an affidavit auefainglo the absence, unless othemiseprovided liar herein, of any finnung statement,
<br />claims of lien or potential lienors knocn to Seller and further attestn&thatth ere have been no inTrovennmts or repairs to the Real Property for 90 days immed-
<br />iatelyprecedingdateofdosbtg ifthe Real Prop city has been improved or rep airedvsiih in Or at tinw, Scllcr shall ddivvr re!cases nr waivers of unntxrxtinr, !tens
<br />cxcmtt Gv•1l f'.usal aunt adnra, sohm,Vaanr u,nli.-rs»n s! m^.t=rininn•.c m nMilicn to u ll ms's lis auida ii scuia o;liv oro manna tai all audi generei con-
<br />lradomxubcontradors,suppliers and mat rialmen,furthera(frmngthatalldhargesforinprovenentrorrcpairswhidtwuldserveasabasisform construdion
<br />lien or a daimfor damage have been paid or will be paid at the dosingofthis Contract.
<br />K flea ofacalla :Closing shall behold in the county wherein the Real Property is located at the oRicn ofthe attorney or other dosing agent rl"igtaled by Seller.
<br />