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29. 1 he County agrees to follow all requirements of Section 287.057, F.S. for the procurement of <br />commodities or contractual services under this Agreement. <br />30, The County shall include Attachment A verbatim in the project bid specifications. All project bid <br />specifications must be approved in writing in advance by the c'ommission's Project Manager prior to <br />public advertisement or distribution, <br />31. The Counly ,hall submit project bid specifications to the Commission's Project Manager for <br />approval within ninety (90) days following the execution date of this Agmemcnt. <br />32, The County must send project bid specifications to a minimum of five Of c-tilla,_tor,. and ccure <br />liirmal written bids. Any request to use a sole source vendor must be requested and fu.trticd in %%tiling and <br />approved by the Commission. <br />33, A ,umnwry of the vendor rtpht, and recommended,ubcontraetor must he sent by the County to <br />fire Coinmis! ion's 11ro gect Manager for is ntt%n approval prior to awarding of any suhcantract,. <br />34, 'Ihe ('Wanly ~hall include ihi, criure Agreement, and all attachment,, in all subcontracts issued as a <br />result of this Agrecnur w. Wntlen contracts fxtween the County and any subcontractors arc mandatory and <br />required for any suhcontract, exceeding 55 IK)f) issued as part of this Agreement. <br />35. 'Ihe County agree, to acknowledge the role of USF WS Federal Aid in Sport I r,h Rc•toranon <br />funding rn ally publicity, related to this project. <br />30. 'Ihe ('aunty is required to be in compliance with the following Fcdrral cinpinymrni gutdchocs <br />when employing individuals aith fund, obtained through ►his contract: <br />A. Title 42, United States codc Section 2000d (Seclion 601, Tale V1, Civil Right-; Act of 1964 a,. <br />amended); <br />13. Title 29, United States ('axle Section 794 (Section 50.1, Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as arncndcd); <br />C. 'fitic 20, United States ('ode Section loll (Section )01, title IX, Public Law 92-318, prohibiting <br />disci ninntion on the basis of sex ); <br />U. Tit"2, United States Code (Section 6101 Title If of Public Law 94-135), prohibiting discrimination <br />on FM basis of age. <br />37. 'his Agreement represents the entire agreement of the parties. Any alterations, variaiions, <br />chang@s, modifications or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall only be valid when they have been <br />xeduca to writing, duty signed by each of the parties hereto, and attached to the original of this <br />Agreement, unless otherwise provided herein. <br />REST OF PACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK <br />Page 7 of 8 <br />