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Signed Copy of Special Service Arrangement Agreement
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/16 <br />Indian River County <br />Task 02 — Gifford Area Stormwater Improvements <br />• <br />WORK ORDER NO.4 TO THE PROFESSIONAL <br />CIVIL SERVICES MASTER AGREEMENT <br />BETWEEN CARTER ASSOCIATES, INC., <br />DATED AUGUST 4,1998 AND <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />Pursuant to the Professional Services Agreement dated August 4, 1998, by and between Indian River <br />• <br />County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the COUNTY, and CARTER <br />ASSOCIATES, INC., (C,A,I.) VERO BEACH, FLORIDA, hereinafter referred to as the ENGINEER, this <br />• Work Order No. 4 is an extension of and hereby becomes a part of the MASTER AGREEMENT as follows: <br />SF;CTION I - PROJECT LIMI'T'S AND DESCRIPTION <br />These services will include final design, permitting, and construction plan preparation for the Gifford <br />Area Stormwater project, The Gifford Area Stormwater Improvement Project consists of the construction of a <br />lake and swales which will provide floral control and Stormwater quality treatment fora porion of Clifford lying <br />east of the one mile coastal ridge. The limits of the work is the east ( iifford Watershed north of 41" Street, east <br />of the one rnile coastal ridge (approximately 26"' to 28'"' Avenue), south of 43" Street, and west of US Hwy. I, <br />including connecting tributaries, The commiLtion package of plans and specifications to be provided to the <br />County for use in con%trusting the work will include the following work items. The work will h: installed by a <br />cornhimatinn of County foreea and a Contractor Sclected through a bid prows.,.. <br />hr addition, CAI will provide technical assistance to the County in their preparation of a F.D.O.T. Joint <br />Projcet Aprw rn+:nt 0.11.A.) for this project. <br />I. Prole, t work items include: <br />A. Swale/Pipe Conveyance Sysfvrn from 42sd Place south along 24" Avenue to the proposed wet <br />detention hake. Note, from the south terminus of 24's Avenue wht-:rf-way, the Swale will <br />traverm-- sonx- 3%t I.T. on private properties before reaching the 42" Street right -of -way - <br />If Wut Dri ntion Lake t:r,ri%i%ting of four (4) f acres of water surface area. two (2) f acres of <br />perimetcr buffer, and an overflow %tructure. <br />C. Overflow discharge pipe conveyance system from the fake east along 41" Street to etre existing <br />pips- under (I.S. Ifwy. Nn, 1. A jack and bore crossing under the F.E.C. Railroad is included in <br />this segment of the work. <br />1). Swale/Pipe 0mveyance System along the western limits of the U.S. Hwy. No. I right of -way, <br />The Swale/pipe system will extend approximately 2(XX) feet north from .11" Street. <br />I., Off site mitigation plan irnprovernents to be constructed on the county owned properly near <br />Vern Shores Subdivision. <br />SECTION Ii - COUNTY 01-ILIC,ATIONS <br />The COUNTY agrees to provide the ENGINEER with the following material, data or services as <br />required in connection with the work to be performed under this Agreement: <br />A. Currently available drainage studies, survey drawings, plans, calculations and other data <br />pertinent to the project. <br />B. Title information and title opinion relating to land necessary for the project. <br />C. Landowner authorizations to inspect and enter onto the site(s). <br />D. Landowner negotiations to acquire property, easements and/or right-of-way necessary for the <br />project. <br />J:\CYN\ENGPROAIRCSionnwirMgmtlmprove\IRC-WORK ORDr.R NOA-Gifford.doc Page 1 of 5 <br />
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