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C� <br />M <br />4D <br />1)rrtff <br />GARY C. WHEELER INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />40554191 AVENUE VERO BEACH. FLORIDA 32960.1000 PHONE (561) 569-6700 <br />Proposed Spending for the 1998 LLEBG: <br />Sofhvare Upgrade $7,500 <br />Provide an upgrade to the looking mugshot software giving us the ability to access <br />information via the LAN vs. one of only three current workstations. This will provide <br />investigators with the ability to develop suspect information and line ups from their office <br />workstations. Has a potential future application via laptop computers. <br />CompStat (Computerized Statisticslmapping) $35,000 <br />CompStat is a Nationally know concept for tracking, reporting, and responding to crime <br />and crime trends. The CompStat approach to fighting crime provides increased <br />accountability and increased effectiveness of resource deployment. Originating as a pilot <br />program within one of New York City's worst crime areas, the CompStat approach brings <br />together both crime statistics and automated mapping, providing law enforcement <br />managers with sophisticated yet easy-to-use visual analysis capabilities. This in turn, <br />allows for more timely identification of trends as they emerge, providing commanders <br />with a proactive edge in developing successful tactical plans to solve andlor prevent <br />crime. In order to function under the CompStat method, the Sheriff's Office will need to <br />acquire a Geographic Information System based crime analysis system. <br />Computer Lab $16,040 <br />Provides a 15 computer workstation lab that will provide a classroom trainingllcarning <br />environment for employees to develop and improve their skills and knowledge of various <br />applications. This in tum will maximize benefits/capabilities of current applications, <br />increase proficiency, and assist with the implementation of new soflware in the future. <br />Expansion of Mobile computing Project $28,768 <br />Expansion of current mobile computing project providing additional laptops for deputies <br />in the field. The market has increased the options Available to meet the needs of law <br />enforcement; this in turn has allowed the Sheriffs Office to pursue more modestly priced <br />hardware. Current laptop under review costs approximately $1,900 each to acquire; once <br />ik:adled liar f ivid use and wireless aceess, the total cost per unit is approximately $4,000 <br />versus the previous $9,700. <br />The I73r1I Iiaurnationally Accredited t,aN Fnforcerllenl Agency '0 = <br />ck:I oIited h} rhe ('+uunrisslnn rut lecnifitatilrn for I my I nfnrcernent Agencies, Inrnrpora let] .. <br />