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i <br />AD <br />i <br />11 <br />22. Force Majeure <br />[7irst [faion, as wc91 as County. shall not he responsible for a dciity' or fadurc to perform title t[a causes or events flat <br />within its control. including. without limitation. an ;lel of Gad or government. civil di,(rrh arccs. Parc or 011ier <br />catastrophe. electrical or Computer failure, teleconuouaicalion ladare. Or delay ar lilillne ol'f'ounl%w acl- <br />23. Madificalion <br />As specified in lire Cardholder Agrewmcat. First Union rescrvcs the right to change lire Cardhottler Agrccowot at any <br />time. First Union shall nobly 111C County of any changes by sendhrg to the County and to the cwplu%ees Whit are <br />Cardholders it COPY oil' tile unleaded Cardholder Agreement at least tltirty hill days prior to the cllcclive date of the <br />change. In addition to First I ftrion's right to change the Cardholder Agrccmem. Virsl Union rescrvex the ri0it to antcnd <br />the terms and conditions OI tine Account Agreement. Exhibills) :and SCrrvicc Schcalulct s). upon A least thirty (30) <br />days' prior written notiec to the County. so long as the aniendalents are acWelatahk or boll, the Couatly and First Union. <br />'I'lte Counly shall be bound by lite amendment, it it ores or retains Purchasing Utrdls). on the Acconw. un Or alter the <br />ellcelive slate ofthe change. <br />24. Assignment <br />Firm Union may assign to others, including its parent. saltsddiaries or alliliaies nr to the successor or dark ring <br />corporation of any such amity. all or any part Of its righae lander this \Lwernical. including all or aLIv part III' any' <br />balances axing die Account ur Cardholders' Accounts. I his it6+y be done in first Union .n ntv time• and %villo,ot <br />notice to Counly, sit lung as assiPnnient docs not place .any aehhttoatal nhltEation on Counly oilier lhan Contained is Ills <br />Account Agiecntent. County shall hart uo right to assign ally nghts uadvr this Agreement xilhoul the prior mitten <br />consentof 4sl Union. County shall harve• the right to temrinate the Agreintcnl in the eVCall of;assignmenl. <br />2:5. Waiver <br />The I'rilure of either party to insist in tiny erne or nwrc instances, oil the PcrlitnnanWc of any terms wid conditions of <br />this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or relingllishatenl litany rights grunted hereunder or of the Ilnure <br />perforinance ofuny such term or condition, but the obligation of cilher part% wilt respect tliereto shall conlinue in tiill <br />force and elfect. <br />26, Caverning Law <br />[finless, otherwise provided ilk the applicable Service Schedule, tate Account Agrveraval and Service Schedules shall he <br />construed is accordance with and governed by the laws ufill C Slate 1) 1' Florida. vvillIOU I regard to that ,t ane'S WOO it: ts of <br />laves principles. Issocs re°laling to the aulhority of -lac Count% Mwil be governed wider alae toms of the Sante of Fhorldat <br />and titat venue for any liaigatiun shall he ilk the stain and ii:deral courts for Indian River Counly. Florida. <br />27. Revenue Sharing Program <br />First Union shall pay to C'oUllh, on im tnlnaal basis. it rebate of the Annual Charge Volume of tip basis Points 1-405). <br />The Annual Charge Volume ,hall "Walk ahc act dehits ichargcs) actinFed by Uirdholders Through tilt use of the <br />Purchasing Cards issued by First Union to C'oaint} under this Agrxnient, excluding all clash advances, credits. refunds. <br />adjustments, credit losses, fraud, returnm intciest, and all other I'ee traimk0ions. related or not. <br />F'ar Coolly to receive rcvclitle sharing they must make payment of the final alaonnl shown ;is due on Ilse naonthtdy <br />conmolidated statement and this amount must he received by First Ifnioa National stank within 15 days, oiler the <br />slalelneal cycle date. <br />IN171 AN <br />.'elsiun f 1119iv' <br />Lost Rev. 5f6197 <br />