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40 <br />40 <br />40 <br />AGREEMENT <br />THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 8thday of February, 2000, by and between <br />Chemical Conservation Coraoration located m Orlando, Florida hereinafter called the <br />CONTRACTOR and INDIAN RIVER COUNTY herein called the OWNER <br />WITNESSED That whereas, the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR for the consideration <br />hereinafter named, agree as set forth below: <br />Article I SCOPE OF WORK <br />The purpose is to reduce the amount of hazardous waste in the environment and the <br />Municipal Solid Waste stream by selecting a contractor and by providing contract services for <br />the collection, identification, packaging, shipping and proper disposal of Household Hazardous <br />Waste (HHW) . This waste shall be derived from the County sponsored Household Hazardous <br />Waste Collection Days program (event) and daily collection from homeowners at the County <br />HHW building. The County shall provide an advertising campaign to inform residents CESQG's <br />of the times and dates of the proposed collection events. The County shall be responsible for the <br />costs associated with the collection of wastes defined in the Request for Proposal 02019 opened <br />December 1, 1999, at 2:00 P.M. unless otherwise specified. <br />The Contractor shall also provide hazardous waste collection, identification, transportation, <br />packaging and proper disposal for the County's Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity <br />Generators (CESQG) and Small Quantity Generators (SQG). The Cost for these services shall <br />be passed directly to the CESQG's and SQG's who participate in the program and shall be <br />collected by the Contractor. <br />Article 2. Time of Completion: <br />The County intends to conduct approximately four (4) shed clean outs of household <br />hazardous waste per each year which shall be conducted on a date to be determined by the <br />County in the year 2000. The shed clean out shall event shall be conducted in one (1) 8 -hour <br />day. <br />The initial term of the agreement between the Contractor and the County shall be from <br />the date of this agreement until September 30, 2000, and may be renewed by the County for an <br />additional period of three years provided the County and Contractor are in agreement and the <br />County has determined that the Contractor has successfully performed services in conformance <br />with the agreement. <br />Article 3. Genera: <br />,The CONTRACTOR hereby certifies that he has read every clause of the Contract <br />Documents and that he has mao- such examination of the location of the proposed work as is <br />necessary to understand fully the nature of the obligation herein made; and shall complete the <br />7 same the time limit specified herein in accordance with the plans and specifications. <br />