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• <br />• <br />i <br />r:J <br />ifx), <br />-R"1161MIfilV.01131.0108li <br />Agency Mame Indian River County Sheriff's Office <br />ORIN FL03 <br />Please outline below your retention plan for the civilians awarded under your MORE 98 <br />grant. This plan should include information on how you will continue maintain the <br />awarded positions and the resulting; level of redeployment after Federal runding has <br />ended. This :section must be completed in order for your agency to be considered <br />for a renewal of your MORE 98 civilian grant. <br />As part of the administrative process for reviewing grant applications, the <br />Indian River County Sheriff's Office completes a five year financial impact <br />analysis form as provided by the Indian River County Office of Management & <br />Budget. Once completed, the financial imapet analysis and the grant applica <br />tion are reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners. As part of this <br />review, post funding retention obligations are discussed. At this point, the <br />Board determines the level of financial support required after grant monies <br />are expended, and approves or disapproves the application phase based on <br />anticipated budgetary commitment levels. Once the Board of County Commissioners <br />does approve an application for further action, retention of any grant <br />funded positions is an anticipated budgetary commitment. This is accomplished <br />to the best of the Board's ability in meeting all financial commitments of the <br />county. Rased on this review process, the Board of County Commissioners will <br />support retention of the four civilian positions to the extent possible. <br />5ignatu res. <br />Law., Enfer c "sent Executive <br />02/09/00 <br />Date <br />U6vernnsent Executive <br />Fran B. Adams,Chairman <br />Date <br />