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AD <br />1448-40181-00-K-007 CSU 3 <br />Memorandum of Understanding <br />between <br />Pelican Island ?National Wildlife refuge <br />and <br />Indian River County Board of County Commissioners <br />THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING is made and entered into this day of <br />_ 1999, by and between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service acting by and <br />through the Regional Director, herein after referred to as the "Service', and Indian River County, <br />acting by and through their Board of County Commissioners, herein after referred to as the <br />.,County." <br />Background and Need <br />Under the Department of Interior, the Fish and Wildlife 'Service administers Pelican Island <br />National Wildlife Refuge. The purpose of the Refuge is "provide a preserve and breeding <br />grounds for native birds." <br />The Service, acting pursuant to the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 (16 U.S. C. 661), is authorized <br />to enter into this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with other local governments. <br />Indian River County, acting; pursuant to S. 125.41 (1) (p), Fla. Stat., is authorized to enter Into <br />agreements with other government agencies. <br />Through the development of this MOU, the parties agree to work together in the development of <br />certain public use facilities located on lands owned and/or managed by the Reruge. These facilities <br />will enhance and improve recreational opportunities for County residents and Refuge visitors. <br />The improvements are located adjacent to Jungle Trail, a State Historic Highway, and will <br />enhance and complement facilities and improvements proposed by the County. The facilities to be <br />developed under this Agreement may include but are not limited to walking; trails, boardwalks, <br />viewing towers, parking areas, restrooms, access roads, signs, informational kiosk, and other <br />wildlife observation areas. The County is developing similar facilities at other locations along <br />Jungic Trail and through this a6retint rt the County can assure archittctural and design continuity <br />between the facilities. The facilities covered under this agreement will I:.avide information on <br />Pelican Island National Wildlife Reruge, Paul Kroegel, and the historic significance of Jungle <br />Trai. <br />The signatories of this MOU have a mutual interest in the deveiopment and maintenance of these <br />taciiities. Each party to this agreement shall individually and collectively work toward the <br />completion and support of the pro.�ect to the maximum extern practicable under the limits of its <br />missions, legal authority, and fiscal limitations. <br />Purpose <br />